Duel Deck 10

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Duel Deck: Deck X

Card 52: Blue Eyes

The heavy rain crashed against the windows of the car threatening to break them. Soon the two people in the car reached their destination. The mansion stood tall and strong, unmoved by the violent wind and unaffected by the abundant heavy rain. The two people in the car quickly ran inside to escape the rain as soon as the car was parked in front of the mansion.

Just as requested, their belongings were delivered to the mansion, however everything was still in boxes, but it was a late hour of the night and neither of them felt like unpacking. What's the hurry if they had the rest of their happy lives to unpack, they planned to live here forever, but the young couple didn't know that their lives would soon be cut short and the mansion would be purchased by someone else.

"Nice place you have here," the young woman commented.

"Yeah," her husband smiled. "I inherited this place from my uncle."

The woman looked at a picture that hung on the wall. "This was your uncle?"

Her husband nodded in response.

"What happened to him?"

Her husband paused thinking about it before answering. "No one knows... the only information I was given was that he was killed by a ghost who lives here, of course there is no such a thing."

The topic of the man's uncle and the ghost who supposedly killed him was not further discussed as neither of them believed in such things. The young couple, tired from the trip, decided to get some rest. They headed upstairs to the fifth floor of the large mansion. There was an old room with a bed; the only other furniture in the room was a small table with a lamp on it. Tired from their trip, sleep came to them quickly.

xoxox xox xoxox

A loud crash of thunder was heard hours later. The woman was wakened by it and glanced at her husband after tuning the lamp on. He was still sleeping beside her. She rolled her eyes and concluded her husband slept like a rock and nothing could wake him, then turned the lights off and tried to fall asleep again. However, she couldn't fall asleep, she felt as if there was someone watching her, yet there was no one else there.

The storm continued to get worse as the wind tried to break the walls of the mansion that still stayed strong. The heavy rain pushed by the winds hit the windows with amazing force constantly. Then there was the thunder that crashed loudly without warning. She wondered if it was simply the storm that made her nervous, or if there was something more to worry about. The woman whose name was Juliet, decided that she needed to calm herself before going to sleep. Maybe some milk would help, so she headed off to the kitchen, their refrigerator should have been stoked as per the instructions.

Juliet quietly walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind her. She turned on the lights and headed down the stairs. The storm continued to rage outside and it scared her, but she kept telling herself she wasn't a little girl and shouldn't be frightened by such things. Another crash of loud thunder landed near by, causing a short-circuit and making Juliet almost scream.

She took a deep breath and continued walking, touching the walls in hopes of not getting lost in the large mansion she has just beginning to get to know. Juliet managed to find her way in the darkness and finally reached the kitchen. The occasional thunder that crashed near by accompanied by plenty of lightning, lighted her path every now and then. She opened the refrigerator and took some milk out. The electricity had only been gone for a few minutes so the milk was still cold.

Suddenly, the wind got stronger and the rain threatened to make holes on the walls. Of course the mansion was built strong enough to withstand such storms with no problems, yet Juliet felt as if something terrible was about to happen. Forgetting about her glass of milk, she ran in the darkness back to the room she shared with her husband. She tripped several times as she wasn't paying attention to where she was going due to her hurry. She didn't understand why this panic had suddenly taken over, but she knew that there was something wrong.

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