Principal Washihnki

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Good morning males and females.

Morning Mr. Washihnki

Bro. C'mon, Who even answers to dudes anyways...Mr. Washingnicki.

All: (starts laughing)

Principal: quiet everyone! No slude and Sorry i mean lude behaviors in this school, no kissing, no hugging, no laughing no nothing

Jay: No nothing! This man got to be crazy as hell, Chloe baby meet me outside of this blinking school.

C: Ok babe anything for you (placing a small kiss on his cheek in front of principle)

A: Lol bye Chloe see yah tomorrow.

c: Bye love you.

Principal: Nice meeting everyone now get back to class.

(All scattered)

Nicholas, Drez, Martin

N: Pssss.. Hey

A: Me?

N: Who else princess?

A: Oh ha sorry.

N: Yup. Soooo any plans for tonight babe

A: Ahh no but i can come out with you.

N: Ok how about i come and pick you up and then we go to my buddy's yard, we're having a boy's night but because you're my sweetheart you can come, if you want.

A: Sure, why not.

N: Ok then, soo 7:00 is right?

A: Ok then bye

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