Chapter 6

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Gracie's pov
After we got our food we sat down and started talking about the future I don't know why but we where almost out of time being young so I just wanted to talk about it but somehow I zoned out and when I came back to we was already at the house that I bought for me and Ethan to live in it was so big. But since Ethan isn't allergic to anything I got us a dog and he named it mr asshelment (get it) and in our backyard we have a little glass house it's so cute we have a swinging bed in it so at night we can look up at the stars so later that night Ethan insisted that we had to sleep out there so obviously I said yes!! "Hey babe why did you get such a big house?" Ethan asked "Because that means more space,more fuck places, and more room to party!" I said oh holy fuck his eyes lit up I just started laughing but I was dead serious about it "do you need music to go to sleep to?" He asked I said yes then he started playing a song I've never heard before called The buzz and omg I love it sm after he put the song on I fell asleep and I guess he did too....

Ethan's Pov:
I can't believe she did all of this for me and us she bought a house for us and then bailed me out of jail I think I'm in love already with this girl and she happens to be my counselor..

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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