Chapter 4

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Ethan's POV
I can't wait to see Gracie today I think I like her. While I wait I'll talk with Rick , because Rick is awesome . "Hey Rick" I yell "Hey Dolan" he yelled back"what do you do when you like someone?" " well you can get her some flowers i don't now " "ok thanks Rick you tha best "
Gracie's POV
Today I'm going to suprise Ethan .Ok so I have been thinking  what will Ethan think if I took him out of the jail like bail him out well we will find out. "Hey dad how much is Ethan's bond " I ask "Honey why do you need to now " he said "I want to bail him out dad "I practically yell "well if it means that much to you its 1500" he says well good thing I have my saving account for a emergency

I went and got the money so I can get Ethan out after that I go to the jail "Uh yes i would like to bail Ethan Dolan out " I said " ok ma'am that will be 1500"she said and I hand he the money and she called him up here and when he got out her you should have saw his face when he saw me "Gracie I have some thing to give you "

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