~Chapter 18~

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Aaliyah's POV

I kept on thinking if I should give Simon a chance. Maybe I should maybe I shouldn't. I wonder how he is?. I plan on going back to the house later on. After a while of thinking , I finally made my decision  but hopefully I don't regret it . Well now i'm getting my shoes on and going back to the house. Hope everything goes well...

Simon's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about her. I really hope she is ok. The boys let me know that she left the house. I'm now in my room  doing nothing,stressed and worried. I'm hoping she come back soon, she does live in this house after all. The boys kept to check on me to see if i'm alright all I did is nod my head. I just want her to come back home....

Aaliyah's POV

I arrived back to the house. I hesitated sometimes when I was about to knock  the door, after 3 tries I finally knocked. JJ opened the door and pushed me into a hug. I told him i;m sorry for leaving the house all he dd was nod. I asked them how Simon was he told me and I was in shock. Does he really like me that much?. Anyway I went up to his room and knocked but no answer knocked again no answer so I thought he was sleeping so a slowly and carefully opened the door and saw he was just pale and not moving. When he saw me his eyes widen and I went to sit at the edge of his bed and he just gave me a hug. I started crying when I told him why I left he said it was alright. I feel so guilty. But he said not to which kind of made me feel better Seeing him like this just made me so sad. Well got to tell him my answer...

Simon's POV

I was so happy she came back. She cried when she told me why she left which I understood. She told me she had to tell me something really important. I wonder what it could be?. She sighed and I told her she can take her time. Then she said the words I never thought she would say. "I'll give you a chance Simon but only one" she smiled when she saw my reaction. I hugged her and I was smiling ear to ear. I always thought she would reject me but I thought. This was the best thing I can ask for...

End of chapter


I've been on the app just haven't updated my story

I hope u like this chapter

I'll try my best to update more been busy to 


Oh yeah I like kpop now just to let u guys know XD

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