Chapter 3: My Fault

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Sorry this chapter is out a lot early but I had the thoughts just spilling and spilling until everything was out and I had the perfect chapter written (with minor editing) so here is your chapter 3 ppl.

Daniel's P.O.V

I was half-way asleep when I hard a glass noise. I realized it was coming from my balcony window so I stood up groggily and stumbled over to the balcony. I opened the door and looked down. there I saw those unmistakable blue eyes. I called down, "Let me let you in do-" but he cut me off when he jumped up three stories to my balcony. By his chuckle I realized my jaw dropped. Literally. His face soon turned back to serious though.

"I need to know...I need to know what we.. um... what we are like if were a thing or something I don't know?" Man was he stuttering. I am gonna play with him for a minute because his face is like beat red right now. For someone who seems to always be cold, you sure can warm up pretty fast." I said as I brushed my hand down his cheek to his neck and then pulled it away. "Come in and we'll talk." He followed me in to my room and I soon realized that was a bad mistake. If not for my floor being creaky, I wouldn't mind my parent's bed being right under us.

But my floor is creaky. Nothing seemed to stir under my floor so we kept walking, only I tiptoed. We sat down on my bed and I started to answer. "I want us to be a thing. But it's you I am not so sure about who wants this...." I trailed off. he opened his mouth to talk but then my dad came in. He was clearly half asleep or even more. "D why, are you-?" He was cut off by the sight of Simon in my room. Well that woke him up. He turned very angry but kept his voice down low so he wouldn't wake my mum. "Daniel, I thought I forbade you from seeing him!" "You did, father but-" "There are no excuses and how dare you try to talk back to me?!"

Simon's P.O.V

All I knew at this point was the fact that Daniel's dad was angry and it was my fault. My fault. I seem to always mess everything up. He asked Daniel to leave the room but for me to stay. I silently stayed sitting on Daniel's bed (which gave me the butterflies) and returned his angry gaze. Though not with an angry expression. He came and put his face closer to mine. "You, Simon, will stay away from my son. You got that!?" I nodded my head so fast I thought it would fall off. He then yelled at me to get out and I did so quickly. I somehow knw my dad would know about this little escapade before I got there.


I walk in the doors of my house with dad waiting there to talk to me. "Simon, we need to talk. Come to the living room." I complied. I sat down in the chair I am so often in. "Now I got a call from James that you and Daniel were pretty much about to kiss. Is this so?" I nodded my head yes knowing the real explanation would be harder to get out of. "Now, Simon, you know I don't care about your sexuality preferences but what I do care about is keeping somewhat peace between us vampires and werewolves. If this is something that bothers the chief th-" I cut him off tears brimming my eyes. I couldn't take this anymore, I needed it off my chest.

"Then what dad?! I need to stop seeing the one person I care about?" The tears started rolling now. "Simon I know you care for this boy-" Once again I cut him off. "Dad, I don't just care about him! I LOVE HIM!!" My dad stood up with a blank expression on his face. "I see. I will call James and see what I can do but there will be no promises." I gave him the most loving expression I could will up right now and said, "Thank you, Dad. Thank you so much." I wrapped him in an embrace and suddenly realized. I have always been safe. Here in my dad's presence, I will always be safe.

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