Chapter 3

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"Mummy, Daddy, Don't leave me!

I woke up, breathing heavily, my mind was still clouded with the image that has always haunted my dreams. Fortunately when I turned to my side to see Rose, she was still sleeping soundly.

That wasn't much of a suprise since even if there was World War Three going outside, she could still sleep through it which was slightly strange since I could wake up if I heard a mouse stealing something from the fridge. Of course that hardly happened. Sometimes.

I looked at the clock that was beside the bed. It was only 7am which meant I slept only 4hrs but I didn't really care since I was used to it. My class at the univirsity started at 8am which meant I had a hour to get ready.

I took about 10 minutes to get dressed and woke up Rose to get her ready for preschool.

We took the bus and when she got off, I promised to her i would pick her up and to stay at school until I came. When I arrived at my college, I took out a hoodie from my bag and wore it.

Usually around uni, I was known as the 'loner' because I didn't talk to anyone and always hid my face under my hoodie.

Often I would hear someone whispering behind my back probably curious as to what I was hiding but I would pretend I didn't hear even though sometimes they talk about how much of a loser I am, right in front of me.

To be honest I was glad that I did not have much friends because if I did, they would figure out my secret, they would spread rumours and I'll be much more of a loser that I already was which bothered me because at my old school, people used to worship the ground I walked on


I did have one friend though, her name is Lily and with her flaming red hair and bright green eyes, she was easily one of the most popular people at Cambridge College.

Fortunately she wasn't one of those stuck up snobs that could get eveything they wanted with a snap of their fingers because of their parents money.

Lily tried to be friends with everyone but I was still shocked when she wanted to get to know me as I was still one of the most unpopular people around.

She tried to know about my life but I stopped her every time saying it was too private, lipuckily she respected that. She even once saw me with my hoodie off but she was confused as to why I wanted to hide my face when it was 'so beautiful'. Her words not mine.

I had blushed when she had said that as I wasn't used to people saying that as usually it was sexy or whatever. I just made up an excuse, saying that I didn't want to attract attention which was not a total lie but not the entire truth either.

She left it at that but she still wanted to be my friend which I was thankful for. I might not want a lot of friends but it was still lonely when I had nobody to talk to.

I went to my first class which was English which made me quite happy. Partially because I was good at it and partially because Lily had the same class with me.

When I opened the door, the teacher, Miss Cheryl glared at me even though I was just a minute late. In reply I just quickly took my seat next to Lily.

"OMG, Cesca, have you heard that a hot new guy is coming to Cambridge? His name is Anthony and damn he's so hot he could melt a glacier. I could hardly see him when he arrived at school since he was surrounded by girls trying to get a piece of him,"Lily babbles, ignoring Miss Cheryl's icy glare.

I froze because I knew tha name but before I could reply, the door slid open and a guy walked in. I could practically hear all the girls sigh.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, I couldn't find the class," he said and I could tell even Miss Cheryl was shocked.

She recovered from it though and told him with a sickly sweet tone to sit behind me as that was the only seat available.

I was still frozen with shock to do anything when he went to take his seat behind me. I knew him because,

Anthony Smith was my ex boyfriend and my first love.

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