Chapter Twenty Eight

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Here I am driving into work again for another day of what is pretty much amounting to torture lately. The rest of yesterday was pretty boring but my mind didn't stop racing with everything that was going on. Jordan didn't text me last night at all and as much as I wanted to talk to her I still didn't know what I was going to say so I let it go. Unfortunately I didn't get to avoid that tonight because I was working with her. Don't get me wrong I'm happy to see her and I love spending time with her but Jaclyn could cause some serious problems for me and I'm pretty sure that John is on tonight too.

My head was hurting while I started thinking about it when my phone started ringing. I glanced at my screen and saw that it was Lauren. I was either going to get a pep talk or she was going to say something to give me a dig. I debating ignoring the call but knew that she would just keep calling and texting until I answered. "What," I answered.

"Well that's no way to answer the phone asshole."

I laughed, "Hello James, what can I do for you on this lovely day?"

"See that's much better."

She couldn't see me but I was rolling my eyes hard.

"Don't roll your eyes at me. So how many of your girlfriends are you going to see tonight?"

Have I mentioned lately how much I hate her. "Oh all of them, except Jess." I sighed in frustration.

"Well that sounds like you are going to have some fun. I won't keep you. Just wanted to say good luck, don't kill anyone and if you need me don't call I have a date."

I shook my head, "Oh have we finally moved on from Vanessa?"

There was quiet on the other side of the phone and I couldn't help but smile because I knew that silence meant the date was with Vanessa.

"Shut up Rhodes."

"Have fun James."

I hung up the phone as I was pulling into the parking lot. As I got out of my car Sarah was getting out of hers. We shouldn't have to see each other much tonight but walking in together at the same time was going to cause some conversation for sure. "Hey Vic," she called as we both walked towards the door.

She seemed to have stopped calling me baby which I thought was real progress, maybe our conversation the other night really did mean that things were going to change. I still wasn't convinced that the info she now had was safe with her thought, "Sarah..." I started but she cut me off.

"Don't worry Vic, I promised you I wouldn't say anything and I meant it. I won't do anything to hurt you anymore than I already have." She looked down at her feet and I could tell that she really meant it. There was no air of cockiness in her voice or any type of resentment at the fact that I was still upset about everything.

Looking at the sad look on her face I couldn't help myself, I grabbed her hand and stopped her from walking and she looked up at me in shock. "Sarah," I started again. She wouldn't look me directly in the eyes so I put my hand under her chin so we could make eye contact, "I know you're sorry and I'm not going to say that it still doesn't hurt, but let's move on ok." She nodded and reluctantly moved forward to give me a hug. I was a little surprised by the contact but I allowed it to happen because I think she needed it and I wanted to give us both as much closure as I could.

Unfortunately for me when we looked up and I glanced towards the door I could see a body standing there looking directly at me and it was Jaclyn. Her eyes were wide and her face said she was angry. "Fuck," I said under my breath and when I looked over at Sarah I could see the worry in her eyes too, if this all blew up she could end up in the same boat as me. Fucked.

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