The Promise

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"Lee Y/N will you go out with me?" He asked. You were shocked and about t9 say yes until you heard someone calling your name. "Y/N!! Where are you" the voice said. You ran out the garden thinking that its your dad calling you home, but it wasn't it was Yoongi. You knew his voice was off to be your dad. "Yes Yoongi" you said as Jungkook came out of the garden standing next to you. They looked at each other then looked away like they hated each other. "Y/N promise me something" he said in a serious tone. Jungkook looked frustrated and I think he knew where this was going. "I promise I will promise you that something!" You said excitedly. "Promise me you will be my girlfriend for a long time" as he said that your heart became warm because you did have a crush on him sense 1st grade and right now your in 10th. "I promise" you said happily and huged him. He huged you back and then you could see Jungkook you BEST friend walking home with his head down. You wanted to go to him but you were with Yoongi at the time and it would make him sad. You didnt know what to do
(End of flashback)

But ever since then its been different.

Im so sorry it took me so long to update. I promise I am trying to get this in between my schedule. I will try to update tomorrow and the day after. I hope you liked this chapter. ♥♥

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