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Heres the thing

I know I told you guys already that i was gonna update. And I am very sorry that I didnt actually follow in with that plan. Just know that right now I'm preparing another chapter and it will mostly be longer than my normal chapters.

  Again I feel very sorry that i didn't give you guys an update still. So I came up with this:

  So let me know if you would like to wait on me to make long chapters but upload slow or make short chapters but upload a lot more.

  I will check comments to see what I see most. Then I will go off that. And just so you know every time I get a notification I check it and I read all of your comments. Or at least most of them in my free time.

  Thank you for your love and support and for not getting angry at me for not uploading like I said I would. I won't make a promise but I will most likely a load this week.
🖤Thank you for understanding.🖤

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