Chapter Two-New Faces

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I watched as a black blur took down a couple of the Zombies and then danced back to guard something that was against the wall. I look at Rebekah and she shakes her head.

"We can't, It is too dangerous and there are way to many-RAINA!" That scream at the end, Yeah that was her yelling at me cause I dropped the supplies and vaulted over the edge to help out the people below. Half-way down I pull out my Bisento and then try to lighten my weight as much as possible. I rammed the blade on the end into the wall and it slowed me down, creating a shower of sparks that fell down onto the scene below.

A guy was standing with a crowbar in one hand and there was a girl against the wall crying as the guy knocked the head off another Zombie. I flip and land in a crouch. I jump over the boy and land on a zombie that was gonna attack him from the side. I twirl my Bisento and the top of his head goes flying as blood splatters across my face. I wipe it off quickly and then jump to the side as another one tries to bite me.

Two thuds sound behind me followed by a third and a gasp. I smirk.

"Finally decided to help huh!" I say over my shoulder as I duck under a powerful swing of a guy's arms. I stab him through the stomach and then swing at his head, leaping back and landing on top of a flipped car. I grab a couple of my throwing stars and then throw them as fast and as accurately as I can. About ten of the dead go down and stay down as another high pitched scream goes through the dark night. I turn around to see a zombie going after the girl.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!!!" My sisters and I yell at the same time. Danny back flips and with a swing of her Tessen beheads him. We rush over to them and on the way there I grab the guy and swing him over my shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down!!" I throw him down next to the girl and we gather around them in a semi-circle, our backs facing the wall as we keep the Zombies away from them. I yell as I kick one away and it goes flying into the flipped car I had been standing on earlier.

"Wh-who are you?" The guy asks. Rebekah growls.

"Tell us who you are first! We are chancing our lives on you!" She stabs a zombie through the head and then growls as one gets to close to biting Akane. A crowbar hits it and gives her time to send an arrow through it's head.

"Name's Jonah, and this is my little sister Julie." I swing my Bisento again and behead the last of dead. (Hey that rhymed XD)

"Mine's Raina." I state as I turn around with my Bisento slung across my shoulders. Rebekah looks over her shoulder and frowns.

"Come on, They can come with us to our safe house. My name is Rebekah, that's Akane and Dannyelle." She motions towards them as she states their name.

"Can you and your sister walk?" He nods and grabs Julie's hand, picking her up and cradling her in his arms. She was small, didn't look older then five. Her curly blonde hair was matted and was strewn across her chest. Her wide blue eyes slowly drifted shut as her small pink lips formed an O. She was soon sleeping as we walked up the fire escape. I look over at Jonah.

His arms were well defined and were wrapped around his little sister protectively. He had short blonde hair and bright blue eyes that shifted everywhere. His shirt was stretched taught against his chest and was covered in blood. He looked really good for a guy trapped in a Zombie apocalypse. He suddenly turns his head and meets my eyes. I look way and become aware of a slight burning in my cheeks.

"So...How did you guys get into that situation down there?" I ask as I grab the stuff I had dropped. We continue walking and he sighs.

"Well, we were in the Park the day the Zombies broke out. I picked Julie up and ran into the nearest building. We got on an elevator and I stopped it when it was in between floors, completely shut down the power. After waiting a while I started the power again and took the top floor. Once there I grabbed her and ran for the roof. We made it and stayed there. Every once in a while when we needed food I would go and make a dash for it in the floors below." Julie whimpers in her sleep and he hugs her tighter to his chest. My sister's weren't looking at him but I knew they were listening to his every word.

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