Benefits And Struggles Of A Job

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Karamatsu's POV

I smiled at the customer as he took his coffee to go, and waved goodbye. I checked the clock and said to my boss, "I'm gonna take my break now, okay?" They nodded and waved me off. I nodded and went to the 'Employees Only' room, where I saw Y/N on her break as well. She looked up from her phone and smiled at me "Hi Karamatsu! How's your first day?" I chuckled and sat next to her

"It's been great! I don't see why Todomatsu got so worked up about working here" "Well, you six can be a bit... much" "I can't argue with you there"


I locked up the cafe before turning to Y/N, who was waiting patiently so we could walk home together "Well, what do you think of your new job?" I smiled "It's great! I think I've finally reached the next level of the caste system" She chuckled and said jokingly, "Congratulations! You are now an adult, it sucks!" I laughed along with her "Well, it can't be that bad. If being an adult means having a cute co-worker then I'll happily grow up" Y/N chuckled nervously with her face a bright red, and looked the other way "Hah.. Sh-shush!" I couldn't help but smile at her reaction


That's how my work days usually went; me happily doing my job, and spending my free time with Y/N, week in and week out. And as soon as I got my first paycheck, my wonderful older brother uses it to gamble. Oh well. That just gives me a reason not to get my own place.


Today's the weekend, and what better way to spend it than hanging out at Chibita's, like usual. My brothers and I were eating the best oden we can afford "So, one of you idjits finally got a job, huh?" The harmless comment made Todomatsu snap at Chibita "HEY! I HAD THAT JOB BEFORE THIS PAINFUL BASTARD EVEN KNEW ABOUT IT" Chibita put up his hands to say 'calm down', I looked at Todomatsu worriedly. He's already so drunk... I bit my lip before drinking some of my sake

"Jeez Todomatsu, you pissed that Karamatsu got a job and a cute girl?" Nii-san teased Todomatsu, drunk as well

Todo tried to pounce on nii-san but Jyushimatsu and Choromatsu held him back "I'M GOING TO--!!" "Nii-san!" "Todomatsu, calm down!" Osomatsu laughed but I saw he was a little scared. I looked at Ichimatsu and saw he was pissed, poor guy was in the middle of all that chaos. Chibita was looking at us in surprise and worry, we were acting worse than before, he probably expected us to be celebrating. As the 'painful' one they all expected me to be the failure, but the fact that I was the only one who stayed successful really stung. Looking at the entropy surrounding me, I sighed before downing another cup of sake. It looks like I'll have to be the big brother now...

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