Final ka-charotan.

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Dear mga ka-charot,

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Dear mga ka-charot,

First of all, I'm glad that this first part of @paumndr_Journals is done. @paumndr_Journals is my collection of books that I wrote but, it is not about stories. It's all about journalism like taking down notes, tips, ideas, realizations and more in the future! Second, thankyou for supporting me. (Kung meron man HAHAHAHAHA! SELF SUPPORT MGA BES!) Third, I'm happy that you read my work in here even though it's just short. And lastly, to God that I know He will always support me! Cheers! Be ready to the next collective part of  this journey. Love ya'll! Bye!

Sends love,

Paulyn Moñedera

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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