New place, new life, new ME

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So what would you do if you had to leave everything behind? I'm talking about your life, your family and your friends.

There I was coming home from school in my purple and green cheerleading uniform. I'm not trying to be conceited or anything but... Even with my brown ombré hair with red tips up in a long ponytail. I looked H. O. Double hockey sticks, HOTT!!

As I walked down the hallway which led to the kitchen, I smelled food. Mmm I love when my mom cooks. It's deeeeelish. Especially when she makes my favorite dessert. Unfortunately she only makes that when there's a special occasion, a birthday or when something is about to happen.

Since I know it's not my birthday for another few days. And there's no special occasion that I know of. Something must've happened.

As I turned the corner which led to the kitchen. I yelled, "Honey, I'm home!!!" My mom replied, "Hey sweetie. How was your day?" I explained excitedly, "Today was amazing! I got my history test back from last week and I Shayana Applegate totally aced it!" Holding it up with pride. "Dance club was awesome and we just found out we are gna be performing for the pep rally Friday. Luckily we already have a routine ready. Oh and the best part is... Dun dun dun" I said to give it a dramatic affect. "I MADE CAPTAIN!!!" I screamed.

Mom replied, "Congratulations sweetie" Giving me a hug. "I know you've been working hard trying to get the spot." "I know. All my hard work has finally paid off!" I said. I looked at my mom she was smiling but it looked as if it was forced. I got the feeling that something was wrong.

There was an awkward silence for a few minutes as she continued with her dinner preparations. I can't take the silence anymore so I blurt out, "Mom is something wrong?"

She looked taken aback. "Well sweetie...we're moving." I could swear my jaw fell to the floor. My vision blurred. My mind started racing. Did I hear that right? Is this a joke? Because if it is, it is definitely not funny. I yelled, "What?!?! What do you mean we're moving? Mom, tell me your joking. This can't be happening."

I ran upstairs to my bedroom. Slamming my door behind me. I pulled out my cellphone calling my best friend. She answered on the second ring. "Ally, I'm screwed." I said while I sobbed. "Shay, what's wrong?" I could already hear the concern in her voice. For the next hour and a half I told her everything that happened and that I'd see her at school.

The next few days consisted of packing, goodbyes and I'll miss you's. In other words, Misery. Oh and did I mention we are leaving Friday morning to get a jump start which means I won't be performing in the pep rally. Yippee.

I'm seriously pissed off at my mom. I haven't talked to her since the morning after she told me. No matter what I tried to say to convince her to let me stay with Ally or Natasha's family she wouldn't budge. Natasha is my other bestfriend. Therefore I've been giving my mom the silent treatment.

I don't see why I can't just stay here with my friends. I practically live at Ally's house. I'm there everyday after school and sleepover on the weekends anyway. Ughh this is so unfair! I can't believe I have to move to a new state, new town and a new school. I'm not worried about making new friends it's just I worked so hard to get to where I am. I just made captain!! It's not going to be the same if I'm on a diff squad. Who knows if they have any openings on their team anyway. My life is officially over.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I rolled over and slammed my hand on the button to shut it off. It's pretty much my usual routine. My alarm would ring and I would just turn it off and sleep in a little more. At least until the second warning alarm would go off. I'm the type of person who had to set multiple alarms because I always press the snooze button for the first two warnings. Telling myself 10 more minutes, then 5 more minutes. Which actually turn into 30 minutes.

New place, new life, new ME (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now