Which Would You Rather Do

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Travel to LA or New York and get to meet your favorite celebrity (actor, singer, YouTuber,  athlete, etc) and hang out with them for three hours?


Fly to South Korea and hang out with Sabrynabrooklynne for three days?


A third choice: neither.

Just curious. Answer honestly. Don't think you have to choose me to make me feel good. You won't hurt my feelings none. Tell me what you really think.

Tell us why you made that decision. What person in choice one would you want to meet and why.

Now, if you choose me, you gotta explain why you made that decision,cause I know me, I have to see Sabrynabrooklynne staring back at me in the mirror every morning, and I don't think I'd choose me. Personally, I'd probably choose Josh Carrot and Olly Kendall, a couple of Korea loving Britsfrom the YouTube channels, Jolly and The Korean Englishman. Why? They are both hilarious, make great videos in and about South Korea and I'm England and they would be a lot of fun to hang out with, plus, their best friend Joel (jipseekid) is in most of their videos with them, single and he's my future husband, he just doesn't know it yet. 😍😘💕

PS: If you've ever been curious about South Korea, check out the YouTube channels: Korean Englishman, Jolly, My Korean Husband, and Two Hearts One Seoul. Those last two are young married couples,  one - an Australian wife/Korean husband the other  a Canadian wife /Korean husband. (Let me know if you do)

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