On Your Eleventh Birthday, You Are . . .

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kidnapped. Your kidnapper has you locked in a house that is nicer than most celebrities homes. You have access to food any time you want, anything you want, prepared by a chef. You have a huge walk in closet that is the size of the average Holister or Forever 21 store, with every article of clothing (for males and females) you could ever imagine, all in your size. You have a theater room with a large screen and access to any TV channel in the world. You have been treated like royalty so far, aside from being able to leave, see out a window, or contact anyone on the outside.

After one month of captivity your kidnapper says you have a choice. You can choose to be released one year from today or you can choose to stay there in captivity until your twenty-first birthday.

Regardless of what you choose, you will continue to be treated as you have so far and you will be able to have what you want as long as it doesn't contradict the choice you made and can be done within the constraints of your captivity.

The catch is this. If you choose to be released in one year, tomorrow you will be administered your first dose of hormone blockers and then hormones of your opposite gender will began to be administered. You will also began exclusively dressing and being treated as the opposite gender, as well as being coached on mannerisms and ways to pass as that gender.

After a month you will be given gender reassignment surgery. You will be expected to accept and assimilate into your new gender. At the end of the year, you will be dropped off in your parents front yard, free to go. The only stipulation is that if, even for one day, you try to revert back to your birth gender, your 3 closest family members will be kidnapped and given the same cross-gender treatment you were (as well as being told why it's happening to them. Your fault)

If you refuse this option and choose to stay until your 21st birthday, you will become the sex slave of your kidnapper, and expected to attend to his depraved sexual needs at least once a month, every month until time to go. Those acts will be videoed and anytime you refuse to participate in what you are asked to do, one of the videos will be emailed to your family. Once you are released, if you tell even one person anything that happened to you while in captivity, all the videos will be released on porntube, brazzers, and several other sites and every one of your family members and every other person in your town will be emailed the link to them. Plus you will be picked up and forced to work as a prostitute or gigglo every day for 6 months.

Now, you have to choose one, which one do you choose?


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