Chapter 5

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After the song and dance had ended Londynn had practically ran away from me. It had been four days and it was still bothering me. I didn't know what made that girl so hot and cold but I was over it. It'd been four days since I had arrived back at my childhood home and I found myself falling into a routine. I'd wake up to the smell of breakfast being cooked, thanks to Sadie, my brothers, Sadie and I would all sit for breakfast. Sadie would then take off to work and drop Jovi off on her way. After breakfast I would shower then head over to the body shop to start work. We had actually been really busy which was great for us. Around lunch I'd stop and have lunch with Axell in JamesTown usually compliments of Farrah. Once we finished lunch we'd go back to work until it was time to pick up Jovi. At that time I'd leave to pick up my little brother and we'd head for the gym. My baby brother needed to gain some muscle. I'd managed to become a pretty decent cook since living on my own so I'd start dinner after another quick shower. The first day I had cooked dinner was last night and even though it went well, Sadie had been so surprised she'd cried. I just figured after spending eight plus hours in a rehab being a personal nurse for four patients every day the girl needed a break when she got home.

So, here I am once again cooking for my brothers, Sadie and Kynlee, yet I'm distracted because even though I keep telling myself I don't care about Londynn she keeps invading my mind. That smile, that giggle, that smell, the softness of her skin against mine, those eyes. Those eyes that had lost their sparkle since I'd last seen her. It shouldn't matter that the sparkle was gone but for whatever reason I wanted to know why it was gone. I wanted to fix it for her. Ace and Kynlee come in to the kitchen interrupting my train of thought but maybe I should thank them since they distracted me.

"Hey Jagger, need any help?" Kynlee offers.

"Nope, I'm all good. You just grab yourself a drink and have a seat, darling." I add a wink to really mess with my brother. I noticed his jaw clench which lets me know I've hit a nerve but I doubt Kynlee caught it.

"Okay but if you need any help just holler, Ace is useless in a kitchen." She says in a joking manner, patting him on the chest.

"Among other things." I add, taking another dig at my brother. Kynlee saunters away and I catch Ace as he follows her. Ace likes her, more than he's willing to admit and more than she realizes. "Can I give you some brotherly advice?" I ask.

He lets out a huff of air. "Please don't."

"Well, tough shit cause I'm going to anyway. Take it from me don't let her get away. She clearly cares about you and I'm pretty sure you care about her however, I doubt she knows that."

"Take it from you? The brother who got totally whipped then lost his mind and ran off when things took a turn? You don't know anything about me or Kynlee." Ace says giving me a hard glare that would intimidate most people but not me.

Before I can reply Bowie steps into the doorway, leaning against it. "No, don't take it from him but you can take it from me." Bowie meets Ace's glare with one of his own and I see the pain that Bowie tries to hide in his eyes. He's trying to tell our little brother that he doesn't want that pain every day. Ace shakes his head and stalks off outside, pushing past Bowie mumbling something about needing a smoke.

After Ace is outside I turn back to the fajitas I'm making but Bowie makes no move to leave. "You doing okay Bo?"

"Yeah, great as always." He tells me before grabbing a beer from the fridge and heading to the living room with Kynlee. Bowie is far from fine, he'll never admit it but he knows just as much or maybe even more about heartbreak than me. He had fallen in love with a girl from a few streets over. They had attended the same school since first grade but it was one of those things, puberty hit and everything changed. Unfortunately, she came from a pretty messed up family. Her dad was a notorious drug dealer and a bad deal had left her parents and brother dead. The only reason she had been spared was because she had been with Bowie. She had no living relatives that were willing to take her so she was supposed to be placed in foster care but she had packed up and ran away before that could happen. It had been ten years and Bowie had never loved another girl, had never had another serious relationship. He carried that broken heart everywhere. Maybe, he does know more about heartbreak than me because Harlyn didn't choose to leave me and never come back but Hollis had.

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