Chapter Two

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It was completely silent after the altercation between Barry and Wayne, I should of expected something like this to happen eventually but I just wished it wasn't when I was so vulnerable

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It was completely silent after the altercation between Barry and Wayne, I should of expected something like this to happen eventually but I just wished it wasn't when I was so vulnerable. The two would of been able to tear each other apart and I would of had no choice but to watch while shivering from the sudden cold that assaulted my body. I hated Barry right now, I hated his guts for ruining my life and ruining my second chance at happiness. He could be happy but I couldn't, what a terrible double standard. I wanted to be happy also, I looked at Barry as he refused to face me while leaning against the counter in the kitchenette while I sat on the bed with the heavy blanket that Wayne wrapped around me still wrapped around my body to keep me warm. I had to go see Wayne, there was no other choice about it, I had to go see him and make sure he was okay after the altercation that happened. I could of missed Barry scratching him with a claw or something, I bit my lip nervously as I debated how to tell Barry that I was going to go see Wayne, or if I should tell him at all. Not telling him would spare the argument but also make his suspicious, and tell him would cause an argument and he'd probably force me to stay indoors with him while watching my every move. I could easily tell that Barry was losing the war, the war with his Alpha wolf taking over and before soon, Barry would have Alpha blood rushing through his veins and his eyes would be permanently red, he'd also have loads more Phenine in his system for attacking. I didn't want to be around him whenever he was like this, the silence killed me and it was awkward because of the situation that just happened, where was Abbigail to stir the pot when I needed her. I glanced around, knowing Abbigail should be here but she had managed to sneak out being Wayne for some reason. That made me very suspicious that she had left when Wayne did, was something going on between them too? What if I went to find Wayne and he was having sex with her, that would piss me off and I'd probably attack both of them with no regrets. Barry heavily sighed as he finally turned to face me, he walked over to the bed and sat down slowly, he moves were stiff and reluctant as he took his seat and buried his face in his hands. I wasn't sure what stressed him but I figured it was the Alpha abilities fighting to take over him. I frowned when Barry suddenly plopped down beside me and didn't move again, that wasn't normal even the slightest and I wearily reached over and gently touched his forehead to check his temperature, my frowned deepened at the heat of his feverish skin because he appeared fine until he went all Alpha on Wayne and now he was changing. I was actually scared for him right now, I touched his shoulder and gently shook him while waiting for him to do anything as a reply. Whether it was a little jerk of the hand or even him pushing me away, I was going to take that as a relief sign but the way he was burning up and so stiff made me worry even more.

"Barry." I whispered, gently cupping both sides of his head and inspecting his face closer.

I felt my heart drop in my chest as I continued to gently shake him awake, he wasn't responding and I was growing very scared that he wasn't going to wake up. My heart was now thumping heavily with the falling sensation gone, I shook him a little harder as I felt my breath hitch and my blinked away a couple of tears while I grabbed his shoulders and shook him harder, or tired to. I sniffed as my bottom lip quivered and I continued to fight the urge of crying, I was jumping to conclusions, he couldn't... he couldn't be dead!

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