Chapter 1 - Who Are You?

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A/N - I hope you enjoy this chapter. WARNING: there is cussing.

Chapter 1 – Who are you?

     I lay on my bed, looking up at the ceiling wondering what else could be out there besides us. I know it’s a fact that there is, we are not the only living planet out there. Everything has a beginning, even us. We, humans, didn’t just magically pop up here and started living like life was completely normal. That would be impossible, well improbable. I just have to wonder, I mean who wouldn’t want to? I would love to see what else could possibly live out there. They surely would be different but we would still have a connection, we would be two living things. Both have a soul in us. Both be alive. I just have to wonder, why can’t we see them? I close my eyes to sleep when I hear a strange noise, a really strange noise. I haven’t heard before but still sounded familiar.

     My head shoots up from my bed, looking over to where the sound is coming from. I see a slight outline of some sort of box appear in front of my closet, which is near my bedroom door. I watch with a confused look on my face wondering what the hell could be possibly going on.

     After about a minute, a police box appears and a man with a brown trench coat steps out. His hands were in his pockets, he seemed pretty relax, like appearing in other people’s bedrooms was a day to day thing. This man had a gigantic grin on his face; his eyebrows arched making the smile look even bigger than it is. He had on a blue tuxedo on with a red tie and white under shirt. To top it off, he wore high top convers. His hair looked like it had gel in it, as it was up in all sorts of directions but was spiked up in sort of an upside down ‘v’ shape. His skin was a white but had a bit of a tan to it, making him look alive. He had a bit of stubble, as if he has been traveling. The man’s sideburns were long and think going down to about his ears.  His hair is a darkish brown color, but it’s not too dark. You could still tell his hair was brown.

     I was sitting straight up now; my legs were crisscrossed over each other making me comfortable as I stare at the man. He looks at me, straight in the eyes walking over to the side of my bed, my head following his body as he moved. I just stare at him with curiosity, wondering who he could possibly be. I’ve never seen him before or met him. A total stranger is in my room, but yet I have this feeling that I know him. It’s weird though, he’s a grown man and I’m only a twelve year old and don’t let me to forget to add the big blue police box he just walked out of. The man was looking at me as if he knew me from somewhere.

     I stared at him with a confused face finally getting the courage to speak asking, “Who are you?”

     He smiled, “I’m the Doctor.”

     “Okay,” I let out a nervous sigh looking over to the blue box and then back to him. “And what are you doing in my room at night?”

     “I don’t have a single clue. The TARDIS brought me here. Must mean you have some importance to time and space,” The Doctor replied.

     I let out a nervous chuckle causing me to laugh. I receive a look from the Doctor, the look you usually get from your parents when you do something you’re not supposed to do.

 “Now this isn’t something to laugh about,” He replied harshly to me. “This is serious.”

     I rolled my eyes not believing a word he said, “Okay first, what the fuck is a tardis and secondly, how am I supposed to believe you when you just magically came out of a blue police box?”

     He lets out and irritated sigh, “No cussing while you are in my presences and it’s the TARDIS not a tardis. TARDIS stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, it’s…I guess you can say my space ship but really it’s a time traveling machine which can take you anywhere in the time and space at any given moment and also, it’s a police box not just a blue box. Besides, you should believe me. I am after all the Doctor and your father,” he concluded muttering the last part so I couldn’t understand it.

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