Chapter 13: Rough Escape

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George yelped as he tripped over a root, landing face first in the snow. Knox picked him up bridal style, saving him from a few bullets.

They were running through the forest, trying to get away from the redcoats. Hamilton was leading the way, Cato behind him, Louis behind him, and Henry and George in the back.

But the strategy wasn't going well, because they were all together. They were easy targets, and Hamilton knew this well. He shouted, "SPLIT UP AND PRAY!!!" He went one way, Cato and Louis went another, and Henry went his way. George struggled in Henry's arms.

"I need to make sure he's okay!!" George pleaded, falling out of his arms and running after Hamilton. Henry was about to go after him, but realized one of the redcoats was on George's tail. He growled and tackled the redcoat over, landing punch after punch on him.

Louis sobbed and whispered, "Do you think we lost them, mon ami?" Cato put a finger over his lips and continued hiding in the bush. It was quiet and Louis let out a sigh of relief, squeezing Cato's hand.

"We should stay here until the coast is clear." Cato whispered, pulling his lover close. He slid his jacket off and draped it around Louis's shoulders as the snow began to fall harder on them. Louis muffled his sobs and cries in Cato's chest.

Louis whimpered, "What if this is it?" Cato squeezed his hand and kissed his forehead.

"I'm glad I'm spending it with you, mon amour." Cato mumbled, running a hand through the younger's hair. He pulled Louis closer and kisses him hard on the lips. Looks immediately kisses back, longing for that moment to last forever. Louis's cries were muffled by Cato's lips, so the passing redcoat didn't​ hear a thing. When the enemy passed and Cato pulled away

George yelped in pain when a bullet got him in the ankle. He was scared, lost, alone, and crying. The tears burned his cheeks as he continued running, limping more than before. There was only one redcoat after him, but their footsteps were quick and close. George sobbed and screamed as the redcoat grabbed him by his hair, pulling him backwards. He kicked and screamed and cried but the redcoat muffled the noise with his leather gloved hand.

George closed his eyes tight and continued struggling, biting down as hard as he could on the hand. "GEORGE YOU LITTLE FUCKER ITS ME STOP SCREAMING!!!" Henry growled letting go of him and shoving him away. He held his hand in pain, staring wide eyed at the blood stains on his gloves.

"He-Henry?" George whimpered, looking up at the soldier. Henry nodded.

He explained, "I took out the redcoat like a mile back! You kept running though! ... Pretty fast runner to be honest." George sobbed and hugged Henry rightly, squeezing his body. Henry hugged him back and whispered, "Alright. Let's find the others, okay?" George nodded and they began sneaking back to the middle of the woods.

Hamilton snapped a redcoat's neck, turned around, and then began fighting with another. Him, being the general he was, became a main target. So while the others only had one redcoat on them, Hamilton had four.

He yelped in pain when a bullet was shot into his left thigh. Hamilton didn't fall though. Not yet. He swung his fist blindly, managing to catch a redcoat with shoulder length hair, dragging them to the ground. He pulled a few strands out too, laughing at the scream they let out. But, a boot came down on his chest, pinning him to the ground.

The 2 redcoats remaining kept him down, guns aimed for his heart and his brain. Hamilton took deep breaths and kept his eyes on the two keeping him down. "Hey!" One of them called, "We got the general! Let's move!" Hamilton was about to try escaping but more redcoats showed up, grabbing him and tying his hands behind his back.

They began dragging him away, and Hamilton let them, deciding that this was his end. He would be brought back to enemy lines, interrogated, and then killed. Hamilton closed his eyes and made a mental list of the​ things he would miss.

Alexander did this a lot actually. He would close his eyes, break away from the world, and think about the things and people he loved. His quill, his mother... George...

Hamilton hung his head at the thought of him. George would never see him again... He knew that the boy would be heartbroken over his death... But Hamilton already decided that there was no way to escape the redcoats, so he would just go with them in surrender. At least that would mean the others had a better chance of escaping.

"And what are you doing out here, runt?" A redcoat snapped when a younger, much smaller soldier stood in front of the group. Hamilton looked up a bit and held back a smile at the sight of George in such a large coat. His mind ended up wandering. The clothes were a bit big on him, and Hamilton couldn't help but imagine the boy in his clothes.

George stammered, "Sir m-me and my fellow soldier w-will be taking him to the... Um..." He trailed off. He glanced at Hamilton for reassurance.

"What fellow soldier might that be, hmm? You're alone."

Henry huffed and walked up behind them in a bright red coat, smacking them upside the head. "Me. And by the way I've seen better posture in my 93 year old grandmother!" Henry stood next to George with a smug smirk. "We're taking this old creep to the separate dungeons to kill him. General Blue was thinking something along the lines of... Perhaps torture. We'll get the info we need during the process."

Hamilton didn't want to admit it but the guy wasn't that bad at acting. Or commanding. The soldiers handed Hamilton over to the other two and went their own path back to camp. The group waited for them to be completely out of sight before untying General Hamiton and running off to find Louis and Cato.

They were just about to have sex against a tree when the group showed up. Still fully clothed, but disheveled​ and unbuttoned on their bodies. Louis was calm and pulled his mouth away from Cato's, smiling and waving at the group. Cato on the other hand screeched and began fixing his composure.

Hamilton sighed and explained how they would be getting home, and they began their trip. First they had to go back to their camp spot and get their stuff together. Once that was done they began walking home, more in a group than a matching line like before. Cato and Louis were side by side in the back and George quietly walked next to Hamilton in the front.

The general was focused on the map, and nothing but the map. One hand was holding a lantern to lead the way while the other held, you guessed it, the map. He honestly didn't want to think about anything else going on. George standing next to him, Louis and Cato giggling to each other, Louis and Cato's little whispers about him and George.

He just wanted to get home.

George mumbled, "Do I still need to leave the war?" Hamilton looked up, looked at him, shook his head, and then looked back at the map. That was all Hamilton said for the entire walk home, no matter how many times George asked where they were and if they were close to home.

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