First Date (Ash x reader)

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"You can totally do this," you said to yourself in the mirror.

Staring at yourself, you took a deep breath. Ash had called you up ten minutes ago, and asked if you could give her a ride home as she had lost her return train ticket.

You had immediately agreed, and asked her if she would like to spend the night at your place, since it was going to be late. She had agreed.

And now you had to go and pick her up. Without making a fool of yourself.

Checking the time, you leave your flat, take the lift to the parking lot and find your motorbike. You also grabbed an extra helmet.

Soon you were cruising the streets, heading for the recently re-built moon  theatre. The night was beautiful. The tall buildings lit up the sky in a rainbow of colours from. Above you could just make out the stars.

As you arrived, you saw Ash waiting for you outside.

You pulled up, and she jumped on the back, putting on the extra helmet.

"Thanks for having me over on such short notice," she yelled over the wind, as you zoomed off.

"No problem!" You shouted back.

Just then, you realised that Ash had her arms around you. You felt your cheeks warm up.

At least she couldn't see your face.

As you arrived back home, you had a great idea. You could take her up to the roof, and show her the stars.

You quickly got off your motorbike, and tried not to stare at Ash as she removed her helmet and swushed her spikes about like a pop star. Which she practically was.

"So, er, um do you want to see the stars before we go to bed?" you asked her.

"Sure," she replied, shrugging.

You showed her to lift and you both got in.

As you arrived at the top, you grabbed her hand without thinking, and led her onto the roof.

"The stars really are beautiful tonight huh," she said.

"Uh yeah, they make it a perfect date..." you replied. Suddenly you realised what you just said. "I mean, they would, if someone was on a date, or something," you quickly tried to cover up what you said.

"This can be a date if you want," Ash mumbled, suddenly looking at you in the eyes.

Slowly your faces came closer and closer. You kissed her quickly.

"I'd like that," you say.

A/n: sorry that this was so short, as I said before, (I think?) this book is more for the sake of me getting over writer's bloc. I'm not overly invested in the book itself. Also sorry for the long hiatus.

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