Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ouch, what is that? I feel...strange, my stomach is rumbling and i feel dizzy. My eyes are closed yet i can still feel the world moving around me, maybe if i lay here a little longer, this will all go away and i can finally open my eyes. The air was very light, and it had a very distinct smell to it. I don't know if it was a nice smell or a bad one but all i could tell was it was a smell. I could hear footsteps, but they were very far and very faint, i just wanted to lay on the ground, wait for the dizziness to go away. After about 10 minutes i noticed it wasn't going anywhere and if anything it was getting worse. Suddenly i hear a very faint voice in the back of my head, "And you will remember me forever." The voice sprung my eyes wide open!

I sat up and tried to clasp my head, i ended up scratching it. Disoriented and confused i tried again more slowly this time. I noticed that my hands didn't quite feel right, i payed it no mind. I looked around, my vision slightly blurry i squinted to make out what was around me. It was a room decorated with long satin drapes that reached all the way to the floor, the windows behind it were awfully dark but you might be able to see outside if you tried. The room was circular with a table about ten feet away with two candle holders. One was lit while the other had fallen over, apparently some while ago as cobwebs already started to claim it. In front and in back of me were two hallways, each was decorated with the giant gargoyle head, the mouth was the entrance so it looked as if when you walked through it you were being eaten.

My head was still beating and throbbing and the dizziness was not going away, just then i decided to look down at myself. I was in a coffin, it didn't register with me at first, i just passed my hands along the smooth edges, and then....I looked at my hands. A great chill and terror came over me, my fingers had sharp claws at the end instead of nails, they extended about three inches out, this must of been why i scratched my head earlier. My skin was a slightly paler shade of what it used to be, it was the same tone, but oddly it was a bit more translucent. I was still in shock at what i was seeing, i got up from the coffin but quickly stumbled back down. Everything felt weird and strange, but i got up slowly and decided to head for the corridor in front.

I stumbled to the end of the corridor, and then i emerged from it. There was a giant chandalier lined with candles and in the middle a man burning. Letting out shrieks and wales in agony, he seemed to plee to me to get him out. I stepped towards him but i was cut off by a tall figure. The man was in a dark red cloak and looked down at me, his facial features were lost in the shadows of the hood but his eyes flashed a deep red over and over.

"Well hello, glad to see you have finally awakened." He said in a deep voice. "You must feel strange my son, am i correct?"

"Yes, I'm very confused and i don't know where i am, can you help me?"

"Hello, my name is Lumar, i am the top adviser to his Majesty. You seem to have awakened very rapidly, we must check if you are of our bloodline"

He looked at me with piercing eyes, then his eyes seemed to of have become less hostile.

"Come ill send you, if you are of our bloodline, you will surely feel it"

With those words he started chanting some words, my body started to glow and in the blink of an eye i was in another room. It was a cave, with a bright light on one side, i felt strange once again. I looked at myself seeing what was wrong now and again i was surprised! I was a bat! Strangely enough it felt natural and with a few flaps i was quickly airborne. The voice of Lumar was now in my head, "Yes! i knew it! His Majesty will be most pleased! Head towards the light lad." Without further hesitation i headed into it. In an instance i became what i was before, this "thing" that seems so weird to me. Lumar quickly approached "Come, how does your throat feel?" Surprisingly i hadn't noticed before but i had an unquenchable and burning. "It Hurts" i said quickly.

"Don't worry ill get you a drink of water." He took a vial from behind him and handed it to me, he placed three small drops inside and told me to drink. A little hesitant I began to drank, it went down smoothly and the thirst was gone. "Now go my Kindred, his Majesty is waiting up those stairs." Lumar then vanished into a puff of smoke. "Kindred? did he call me a Kindr..." I was even more sure now, but i rushed up the flight of stairs and opened the doors. It was a courtyard, with a short man in the center. Of to the side were two guards holding a young lady. I looked at them all, and i saw what i needed. Fangs, Pale skin, glowing red eyes, they where all and I most likely too was a Vampire.

"Ahh so you've arrived have you?! I'm Lord Pent, Master of this castle and father to the Kindling tribe. You, You need a new name! Your old life is gone now and you must now start over."

"Your Lordship can you please explain? What is going on?"

"Well if you must know. I am Pent, Master of the Kindling tribe. We are Kindred, you know, the off-springs of the Goddess Shinta and her spouse Ordion. But that's all history I'm sure its not what you want to hear anyway."

"Actually your lordshi-"

"Anyways we of the Kindling tribe rule this grand Castle, this is Sundown Castle, and down below is -"

"Sundown Heights!" I answered in a quick burst.

"Yes, wow good, look at you i think your starting to remember. Now YOU my friend are a lucky one, not many can go through the Encounter and wake up so early, if at all."


"Yes you were on the edge of death, You used to live down below, in Sundown Heights, but lately we've had a uhh...problem and you got caught in it. One of our warriors happened to be near you when you were slain and on the brink of death. Apparently you were to far gone for Invigoration or Blood Contract to work, and he must of had some affinity towards you because he decided to use an Encounter on you and Vualah! You are now a Kindred!"

"I'm a...a..."

"Vampire, YES! Isn't it grand?!"

Pent seemed a little too happy and now i could not find how to cope with what i just learned! Me? A Kindred?! Down below in Sundown Heights we have a very bad opinion of the Kindred. Legends say how they would come down and raid the village and kill mercilessly. We all feared them and the legends did not help at all. Now I'm one of them, my former life gone...dead and destroyed.

"Oh snap out of it freshie, you'll get used to it soon, and then you'll see how well you like your new form." I could no longer take it and began to regurgitate all over myself, it was overwhelming to say the least."

"Oh jeez, and you have yet to even drink your first blood, that's when all the new ones lose it." he ended the statement with a horrific cackling.

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