Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The count turned away and headed off in the direction of the girl being help captive by the two guards. As he walked away i could see his graceful calm demeanor turn cold and hard, a horrid feeling was erupting from him. Down below in Sundown Heights we knew of the count and how graceful and kind he was, of course this did nothing to change our opinions about the whole kindred race one bit but this was a side never expressed before and for once I got to see a glimpse of the horror these people have locked deep inside themselves. I watched in as he approached her without taking a single breath in anticipation when suddenly the sounds of flapping wings awakens me from the captivated stare. It was a bat, i was starting to see how cliche these people of Sundown Castle were, it seems like all the stories said about them are true. The bat had in one foot a note which it handed to me and proceeded to fly away. On the parchment was some writing, it read "Come new blood, It is time for you to be introduced into the new world into which you have awaken. On the left side of the courtyard is a doorway that leads to the great hall, we all await you here." With that i made off to the western side of the courtyard, it was quite a big place, i could hardly recall an ounce of it as my vision and head were still hazy. Once i reached the great doorway i stood and gazed at the marvelous doors. They toward about my head up high, they were done in a Gothic manner with heavy accents and dark patterns. They were pointed up top and adorned with a golden lining and in the middle had a cross made of what seemed to be ivory and onyx. In the center of the crosses were big ruby stones about the size of ones hand opened and extended as far as possible. I touched the knobs which seemed to be pearl, gave it a twist and pulled on the heavy door and peered inside.

It was a grand mess hall, lined with tables and chandeliers. At the far end was what seemed to be a stage. and on it two Kindred were fighting. Twelve large tables covered the room, all filled with Kindred sitting at them. At least ten per table, they all seemed rather young, but if anything we learned at Sundown Heights is you never know a Kindreds true age by appearance. Behind the stage was a row of seats, two on each side and one bigger one in the middle. The left chair was in the style of a Queen Anne wing chair, made in black leather, with the cushions made in satin red. On the top of the chair was a small Celtic cross, trimmed in gold, with a black body and a red flowery patter engraved into it. On the right chair was a much more simple, it was full black and without any of the red or the crosses, the only thing with this chair was a haze that seemed to circle around it, along with cobwebs at the base. In this chair sat Lumar, and in the Other sat a beautiful lady, legs crossed and with ruby red lips, her hair was long, brown, and flowing down to about her mid back. I could not see much about her but she was very striking. 

The Middle chair was empty, but from i could tell those two seemed to be authoritative figures so i made the conclusion that Lord Pent must be the one to reside over that chair. I noticed very quickly that Lumar and the other lady seemed to be staring at the stage, that where my eyes turned to next. Center stage were two Kindred, one a very slender fellow, very short hair and with a rather hunched and lowdown stance. The other seemed to stand straight up and tall, he had a certain air of elegance to him, he seemed to be smiling.

The smaller, low down to the ground one had around his waist two daggers. He wore dark vestments, very shielding of any of his features, his pants were tight fitting and seemed to give him much mobility, his boots came up to halfway up the shins. From the very sight i knew what he was. He was what a lot of us feared in Sundown Heights, an assassin. They came down at night, swiftly dishing out punishment to those they thought deserved it. We never knew the affairs of these creatures called Kindred, we came to fear the secrets they kept and the unknown motives for which they did things. We simple avoided and grew to fear them. The Kindred assassin was one thing that sent chills down the spine of any man who thought himself anyone. 

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