Max' POV.

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My brother, Billy hurts me... He hits me when I sleep after 6:30, he hits me when I have music too loud, he hits me even if I'm just sitting too close to him. I've lived with Billy most of my life and he just recently started doing this. My parents disappeared when I was really young. I haven't seen them since. I think I'm the only kid that likes going to school, I feel safer there especially with my friends Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Will. Today is Friday and I am not looking forward to the weekend.
   I ride my skateboard to school without eating breakfast and find my friends in front if the school.
   "Hi guys!" I fake a smile, the boys don't know that Billy beats me.
   "Hey Max!" Lucas says as we do our special handshake.
   "Did you finish your math homework, because I need the answers." Dustin asks me
   "No, I didn't have time Billy-" I stop talking I almost said Billy was beating me until 1am last night.
   "Billy what?" Will asks then he gasps as he I realize h noticed the bruises on my arm. I quickly cover my arm.
   "He... He was out so I couldn't get any help on my worksheet." I lied.
    Will looked at me as in saying 'We need to talk'  I ignored him.
   "I left mine at my house and Nancy won't bring it to me since she's home sick." Mike says a the bell rings
    I look at Will who still has a worried expression on his face. "I gotta go, Don't wanna be late!" I run into the building
   "Yea, me too." Will says and runs after me.
   He stops me at my locker. "Will I have to get to class."
  "We need to talk,  right now." Will says and pulls me outside of the school.
  "Where did those bruises come from?"
  "No where I just fell last night." I lied
  "No, that's not a bruise  you get from falling. Is Billy hurting you at your house?" Will asks
    Ugh. Why does Will have to be smart? 
  "Don't lie to me Max!"
  "Fine! He hits me every now and then but its no big deal I'm used to it." I try to walk away but he steps in front of me.
   "You need to tell the others, we can help you." Will insists
   "No! You can't tell them... If Billy finds out I told people he might do more than just hit me." I say
   "Fine... I won't tell the others but I will tell you that you need to get help." Will says and walks into the school.
    I walk to my math class (Mike, Will, Lucas, Dustin, and I are in the Same math class)  our teacher walks in and says."Homework is canceled we have alot to do today!"

Hi, I'll be posting more chapters as soon as possible but for now enjoy this.... Hope you enjoy!

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