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Their orders where to stay out of sight and follow the two home. After they found where they lived to call. The two did as requested and found a spot to sit and watch. 

They watched as Hakyeon came arrived home from work. The kids jumping up and down before the blinds closed. Not long after a boy carrying a toddler walked out. He waved goodbye and began heading down the road to a bus stop.

"Is that him hyung?"

"Yeah. Different kid though."

"Are you sure it's the right guy?" Mir asked.

"I'm sure!" He snapped.

Eunkwang had showed up one day with a few of the other members. All had their arms full of bags. To say the boys where surprised was an understatement. Eunkwang had bags of clothes for the kids but also the two grown men as well. Hakyeon was trying failing not to cry while Leo was still in shock. 

"Appa! Pretty!" Yuki said running over to Leo. He smiled down at her and picked her up. She held a pink Hello Kitty dress that had a pink sparkly bow on it. Noticing his tears Yuki wiped them away and kissed his cheek. 

"Appa sad?" Yuki asked concerned. Leo smiled and shook his head. 
"Appa happy." 
This caused Yuki to smile. She held the dress up, a sign she wanted to wear it. Leo nodded and the two left to change. Leo held Yuki up so she could see in the mirror.

"Pretty!" Leo smiled. Yuki's eyes where wide and her smile was so big her eyes disappeared. 
"Let's go show the others!" Leo opened the bathroom door. Yuki ran out.

"Eomma! Eomma!" She ran over to Hakyeon smiling. Hakyeon didn't have it in himself to correct the girl. Her smile was so big and that Hello Kitty outfit made her look adorable!

"Wah! Our Yuki looks so pretty!" He smiled picking her up.

"Ooh Yuki looks even more like a princess now!" Hongbin spoke. "Look here's your crown!" He picked up a plastic toy crown. Hakyeon placed it on her head.

"Princess!" Wonsik bowed causing everyone to chuckle at the cute scene. After that Yuki jumped down and began to play with the two boys.

"I don't know how to thank you." Leo told Eunkwang. "I'll repay you for everything."

"Seeing her smile is enough. Just keep her happy. That can be your payment." Eunkwang told him.

Wonsik, Hongbin and Yuki had been playing for a while before deciding that they where hungry. Looking around all the snacks where gone.

"What can we eat?" Wonsik asked. Hongbin placed a hand to his chin. He was in deep thought when his eyes landed upon one of the guests. Peniel Hyung's hair was a soft yellow styled in waves. If you looked at it just right, it looked like ramen.

"Ya dongsang! Doesn't hyung's hair look like ramen?" Hongbin pointed to the man currently sitting on the couch. Wonsik's eyes widen when he too noticed it.

"Oppa what are you looking at?" Yuki asked.

"Shh!" The boy's shushed her. "We gotta make a plan. Come on!" They whispered loudly. The adults chuckled doing their best to make it appear that they had not heard them. They 'snuck' off to Wonsik and Hongbin's bedroom.

"They are so cute!" Sunjae smiled. "But hyung," He turned to face Hakyeon. "Why do they keep calling you Eomma?" The men began to laugh as Hakyeon explained how he tried to get them to call him hyung but found it hilarious to call him Eomma. Now even Yuki was calling him that. Leo cracked a smile but mostly kept to himself.

Appa Leo a "Vixx fanfic" (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now