chapter 1

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Looks: neck length brown hair, brown eyes, shorter than average, she always wears her blue scarf with white snowflakes....always.

Likes: anime, cats, friends, free time

Dislikes: the dark, loneliness, Altersh, ect

Personality: she is quiet. VERY quiet. Try Canada quiet. She isn't allowed to speak out. She follows directions...... or she's hurt. She treasures friends if Altersh will let her have any. She's shy, and blushes easily. When she is around a good friend, she turns into a normal peron, otherwise, nope. She is THE crazy cat lady. 

2p!: you'll find out later

Love interests: you'll find out later

Human name: you'll find out later.....

Country: Creta (duh)

Fears: The dark, her friends betraying her, Altersh, being lonely.

languages: Cretian, English, Japanese, Italian, and well.... Italian, Creta is surrounded by Spain, France, S Italy, Africa, roughly there

 [Creta's POV] (her thoughts... not 1st person right now)

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE- *slam*. "Ugg, I moaned as I got up. I had to get up and get to school. It's the same routine every day. Get up at 6 sharp, go to school, go back home, get dressed, and go to the mansion and work till 9 (unless dismissed early or needed past that), go back home and watch anime. That was my life.

  I am aware that I am...... different. I heal quickly, and when something happenes to Creta (war, battle, oil spill, flood, ect.) I get sick. When my aunt and I fight, another war starts....literally. Well, I can't fight back. If I do, I almost die again. I sorta am the country.

----------MINI HISTORY LESSON 1--------------------------

  Creta is THE country for otakus....... it is a bit dangerous in Creta though.... FUN FACT: Creta is known for its rare Cretian long hair cats... Creta is made up of 8 major islands, and Altersh is one of them. The boss of Altersh and just Altersh wanted more power, so it's taken over most of Creta. The only cities left that aren't Altersh are Talby City (the capitol), Tokyo 2 (this place is nick named the second Japan after all), and Lullaby.  

  Creta is also known for the animes, mangas, Vocaloid music, and music in general.


 I know a few other countries personally..... well, one that I can remember, and that's Antarctica, or Anta. I haven't seen her since my dad died though..... I remember his face, but not his name. My mother's voice is clear to me, but her face is always blurry. One other person that I remember was a little boy. He was a country as well, and we might have been friends...... He was blurry as well, and I couldn't make out anything. I just remember being with him. I could tell it was a boy by the voice, but it was blurry as well...... I just remember roaming the forests with him. Also, another person - a boy - and being with him as well, and he was blurry...... Im convinced that something happened.... I remember something heartbreaking, but that is also a mystery to me.  

    I rushed to school to get there early, as usual. I went to a normal school that taught English and Japanese - the most used languages here. Cretian was used by many people, but was taught less. I pulled my scarf tighter around my neck as I entered the high school. It was a bit cool here during most of the year, but the summer was nice, so I could get away with wearing the scarf all the time. Also, I always wore long sleeves to cover up the scars. Even though I healed quickly, some scars never went away... most of them weren't noticable, but I had to be cautious. 

    I sat down in my usual seat, and just stared off into the distance. I acted like a normal human, and so did Altersh. I already knew everything that they were teaching..... I had photographic memory -exept for those blurry parts of my past - and I had gotten ahold of highschool textbooks as a younger teen......alot of textbooks. My life was at the library when I was younger. That's how I found out about anime and manga. I had gone to a public library, and I saw book one of Sailor Moon (a younger kid anime) and my like for Japanese stuff exploded from there....

   Back to school! I sat in the classroom as the teacher talked and ranted about how we should use chemicals correclty. I had to keep up my scores at 100 A+ or wouldn't be pretty for me.

  When school ended, I rushed back home to get dressed. I got into my blue maid dress. I wore black boots with it, and a bandana around my hair (take chibitalia's maid outfit, make it for a 17 year old and make it blue..... simple enough? Pic on side..... just take off the curl , make her older, add a ribbon or the scarf around her neck, and make the dress blue.. and add an apron...this pic isnt mine.) 

  I rushed to what was supposed to be MY house, and went into the maid's quarters to wait to be called apon. While in there, I did a few chores; wash dishes, sweep, and sit. When the little bell rang, I rushed to the office where Altersh was sitting and doing paperwork. I looked down, and crossed my legs. This was the routine...... don't look at her. That was one of the rules. There were many rules, and I have memorized them all. Don't talk unless needed, don't cry don't flinch, ect.

  "Child, I need you to get the paperwork on my desk in my room," she said. I nodded and bowed. "Yes mam," I said before turning and leaving. This was the part that wasn't hard. I went to her room, got the folder, and went back. Simple and easy.  When I came back, I knocked and waited for her reply. When it came, I gave her the folder, and moved back. Suddenly,  a punch came out of nowhere, and I stumbled backwards. I just looked down. 

   "This is the wrong paperwork! She yelled, kicking my ribs, as I lay on the floor. It hurt,,,, really bad. I just had to keep the tears in or it would just encouage her. When she left, I lay on the ground, tired. Surprisingly, when she did this, the citizens here wouldn't get hurt, or leave. Igot up and limped to the maid's quarters where I sat and waited. Slowly, my ribs healed, and the bruises left. I got up and sat down. The bell ringed 4 times..... I was dismissed.

  On my way back, I looked down. "Great! Another dress to make!" I mumbled as I wiped the blood off. When I got home, my two cats - Kattiness and Terra - came up and purred. "Pigs," I mumbled as I got them their food. They were Cretian long hairs. Even better, one was pure white, and one was pure black. Kattiness was the white one, and an angel.....Terra on the other hand..... she was a handful. They were still my babies.

    After I fed the cats, I turned on my laptop and watched anime until someone knocked at the door. It was suspicious...  I lived in a forest, and only someone looking for the house could find it....... I went to the door, and opened it. I was immidiatly glomped. "A-Anta?" I asked, looking at my blond haired friend. She had blond hair that went to the middle of her back, blue eyes, a brown and long coat, and a scarf that was striped black, grey, a lighter grey, and white. "Yep!" she said, getting up. "Wh-what are you doing here?!" I asked, quietly. "I came to visit you! Also, I was on my way to this new school just for countries! I thought that since you were one, you should come as well!" she said.

   "Soryy, I can't," I said. "But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" she asked. "I-I I can''ve heard about what's going on here! She wouldn't go, and she would kill me! Literally! She nearly did yesterday!" I exclaimed. ".......oh............*smirk*" "Uh oh, I know that look.......what are you thinking?" I asked. "She could never know! The school is in the middle of nowhere, and its away from humans! Even better, it's here in Creta!" she said. Oh crap......... I had to go there.

---------Author note!------------------------------------------------

 Hi! Thank you for reading the book so far! The OC Antarctica belongs to Profanimegirl. The pic belongs to someone on Deviantart........... well, THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE SOON!!

  Belle oo

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