#1 Endings and Hopefully New Beginnings

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I hop off the train quickly immediately blending into the busy streets of New York. No one paid any mind to my tattered clothes barely holding to me by shreds. Neither the blood that dotted my clothes which I had tred so hard to remove completely in the train stations bathroom with the free issued soap and hand towels. My blouse was ripped off my shoulder and the side cut through neatly down my side where Dad's knife had plunged three evening back I think it was. I pulled the old leather jacket closer around me. I hadn't stopped to buy a change of close nor entered any store though I wanted to but who knew how far his influence spread. Our neighbour a nurse with six children and an absentee father had patched me up the best she could. After that I hadn't even had time to change my soiled garment. If that man knew she had helped me he'd probably kill her and her kids, one set of triplets, twins and a barely year old baby boy. I had only had time to take the thick long leather jacket she offered that provided protection both against the wind and prying eyes that seemed to do more damge than good always reporting back to my father. Since Mom and the baby she was carrying was the only thing keeping me their and now she was dead there was no need to stay. That monster, how could he? I thought on a shaky exhale. The beatings, the rape I'd hear mom's cry of pain which she always tried to muffle for my sake. He always got away though not only was he the towns chief and from old money as his parents gifted him with several oil rigs which he sold off but he played the victim so well. Mom was the dirty whóre who took the small towns rich golden boy and trapped him into marriage while he was the helpless lamb willingly to suffer because he wanted his child to have a father. Ha. While his beatings hadn't caused her ulimately death it had lead to it. He had locked me in the closet after his attempts of beating Mom was thwarted by me. The mop stick he had taken to beat her and his studded belt I had taken it for her. Defending my mom only made him beyond enraged. I saw the moment something in him snap, when I wouldn't react to his verbal abuse thrown. His grey eyes became a pit of black. See he liked his victims screaming and begging for mercy and for him to stop, preferably on their knees. Not me though. "You fùcking good for nothing whòre". He says as I hear the stick pop in two as it connected with my knees. I did fall to the ground now but I wouldn't beg. Kicks landed all over. His hand wrapped in my hair pulling at the strands painly. Never had I wished for a bald head before. The pain was unbearable, I wanted to vomit. I could feel myself slipping into that place of numbness where I just existed and took it all. I had become numb and suddenly was so cold. I look up at him emptily from the floor wishing he'd kill me for a moment "you can't hurt me" I say my eyes blank blue pool of nothingness, not even radiating the hatred I felt for him. He had dragged me up by my neck and I felt the cold metal press to my throat. "Yes," I thought, finally it would end. I'd say a quick prayer for Mom if I believed in God. The blade pressed harder to my throat drawing blood.

"No"I heard my mom scream limping towards us her stomach quite big for a six months pregnant woman. Her lip was swollen, bleeding and her eyes were red and bruised with a hand prints tattooing both sides of her face. In her haste to get to me, she didn't see my blood from the beatings that had covered the floor. She slipped in it falling helplessly down the stairs. I watched in horror as she fell face first, her hands twisted at odd angles. I screamed but my no sound came as tears fell helpless mixing with the blood on my face like the rain washing away life's struggles. Her screams as she fell down the windimg staircase stilled when she hit the bottom and would forever haunt me.

Nothing. I could even hear a pin drop. The blade was no longer at my throat as the man I supposedly shared blood with my father turned to look down winding steep staircase at the lifeless body of his six months pregnant wife. He was stone cold for a second the knife falling to the floor disturbing the silence. He turned to look at me and hatred, an emotion of dislike so strong it gave me whiplash "you caused this you stupid cùnt,"he screamed in my face spittles flying from his mouth all over my face a his slightly chubby arms trembled in absolute undiluted rage cold chilling rage.

"I told that woman, to kill you before you were even born. Look you ended​ up killing her instead." He twisted my arm so far behind my back I heard more than felt a bone pop out of place before he plunged something long and sharp into my side. When did he retrieve the knife from the floor. I made up my mind to die as white hot pain penetrated the numbness, my side was on fire. For a moment I stood there patiently adrenalin masking some of the pain waiting for the death blow to be delivered from the long kitchen knife he always carried around in his waist. My mom flashed before my eyes though, our afternoon talks before Father got home in all his drukenly, high murderous glory. Deams of travelling to a far away land, a city where all was welcomed and allowed to dream. Where everyone minded their own business and were free. With strength I didn't know I possess I kneed the man I called father in all men weak area. He doubled over in pain as well as shock. I'd never retaliated before. I kicked him hard in his head for a moment with my timbaland his eyes fluttering close. Not able to help myself I kick him again in the side wanting to unleash all my pent up feelings but I have to get to mom. I rush down the stairs carefully limping. Blood was gushing out the wound faster now and I bunched up my blouse stuffing it in it to try and slow it. As I reached to mom, she was lifeless as I expected. I stare into her blank pale blue eyes. They were dull, hollow and I knew it would haunt me forever. Using father's phone that I swiped from him earlier I called the towns only ambulance as Mom and I weren't allowed phone that is. Hearing angry but slow footsteps shuffling towards the stairs, I was forced to leave my mom lying down there on the floor cold lifeless but not before removing the necklace she had worn since I was a child. One named popped into my mind as I slipped out the back door closing it behind me. Gracie, our neighbour. Father didn't know but mom, her and me were good friends despite the high fence courtesy of Father separating our home. She was a nurse. It was late in the night, she'd be home. Hopefully and with the money I'd hid at her house that I saved babysitting for her and doing other kids projects and school work for them, hope fully it would be over soon.

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