After School

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Angel : I feel bad for not telling the truth to Tommy about me being an Angel sent on earth to fix his relationship with his father and mother, but I cant just tell him. I'll call him and slowly bring it up.

I called him he ignored my call with in 15 seconds of me calling him. That is not away to treat your guardian angel. I'll just teleport to his house in a minute I got to change my clothes first. Soon as I wad about to change he calls. About time he did gosh.

"Hello?" I said trying to fake being mad

"Hey Angel I was busy I couldn't answer the phone at the moment," Tommy said happily

"It's ok can I ask you something," I said cautiously

"Of course you can you can tell me anything,"

"What if I told you I know everything about you more than you know,"

"Ummmm.... Angel are you ok?"

Oh goodness I just came off like a stocker.

" I AM YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL!!!" I said quickly

"That explains so much," he said sarcastically

" I am being SERIOUS Tommy, "

"Ok Angel i think you need to get some rest,"

Then he hung up. I was so exasperated from what he did to me.

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