Found (1)

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Ten years later

Shay dashed through the forest, jumping over a rock and crouching behind it to avoid being shot. Silence fell over the forest, and Shay calmed her heavy breathing to listen past the singing birds and buzzing insects. A few yards away, she heard the grass shift and shot up to her feet. Her heart raced as she sped through the thick vegetation, which tried to trap her feet and pull her to the ground where she couldn't run. Darting past some trees for shelter, an arrow shot past her face, missing by mere inches before it found itself in the trunk of a tree just beside her.

Shay whipped her head to the right, her keen eyes narrowing on her friend. "You could have killed me, Emory!" Shay could feel her heart racing as she looked at Emory, who seemed overly calm.

"And you could have died. Honestly, you're overreacting. You know I'd never hurt you. I don't think I'm allowed without being hunted for life. Besides, it just goes to prove that you need to practice more. You were sloppy." Emory strode toward the arrow protruding from the tree and pulled it out with a grunt. She blew one of her mouse brown curls out of her face before turning back to Shay. "Evander has trained his men to get you no matter the cost. If they see the one thing their ruler wants, they're not going to hesitate to do whatever it takes." She tucked the arrow away with the others and gestured to her bow. "They wouldn't kill you of course, but I'm sure an arrow or two in the right places won't kill you."

"In the right places," Shay repeated with emphasis. "I think you take pleasure in hunting me. It's the closest you ever get to action. Anyway, shouldn't we head back to the village now? Ezekiel said he wanted us back by noon and it's probably close to noon." Shay looked up, but the trees obstructed most of the sky.

"We should. Come on, and this time, maybe try a little harder to move quietly. You're about as graceful as a drunk."

"Oh shut it."

The girls made their way through the forest, quiet and swift in their movements as they traced their paths back to the village where they should have already been. Within minutes they were back, and the long cobblestone building let them know they were in the right place. It formed a U of sorts, with single arches in each wall that were decorated with a mosaic of ceramic tiles. They made their way under an arch and into the center of it all where children ran around with one another while their parents meekly went about their daily routines.

The village wasn't much, with one arch leading to the apothecary, another to the forest, and the third leading to their vineyard. Most of the village focused on the vineyard, while others bottled and others readied it for trade. Clothes were always dangling from the railings of the second floor homes, and flags were lined from railing to railing for Rosalind's Eden.

"Emory," Ezekiel shouted from the steps of the eating hall. "You're late. I'd hope you're late because you had trouble finding her. Though," Ezekiel looked between the two girls, noticing the grounded eyes of Shay. "from the looks of it, I don't think all of our training sessions have paid off."

"The only reason we're late is because Emory chased me all over the forest," Shay sighed with defeat and smiled at her friend, grabbing her shoulder. "Her sessions have paid off. Mine on the other hand may need some work, if I'm being kind to myself. Besides, we haven't been training that long."

"Two years." Ezekiel said with a sigh.

"I said we should start sooner," Emory remarked, only to bite her tongue.

Ezekiel frowned at her and Shay lifted her shoulders in a shrug. "I'll return to the apothecary, now. I'll see you two tonight, I suppose. Training tomorrow morning?"

"Tomorrow morning," Ezekiel nodded, his lips pressed together. He watched as she left, her long ponytail swishing gently behind her as she weaved her way through a children's ball game.

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