Briar's Tale || Part 4

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"It's not fair!" Briar threw down the glass her father had handed her, letting it shatter across his office floor. She didn't want a drink. She didn't want her father to bribe her with gifts to make her forget about what was happening. "Why does he have to marry her? She's... she's undeserving! She doesn't know anything about him. She doesn't know anything about anything, I'm sure! She's just a nobleman's daughter. How does that make her special?"

Evander pinched the bridge of his nose. "Because as the King, Alaric is only allowed to marry nobility. Those blessed by Rosalind--"

"Why aren't we blessed? Why isn't the Advisor of the King blessed by Rosalind? Why can't Lyra just bless us now? Then none of this would have to happen and we could get married." Briar spoke, but as the rushed, desperate words escaped her mouth she began crying, knowing deep down that it was all in vain. Her father looked on, not knowing what to do.

A sigh. "Briar, you don't have to go to the wedding. But I must. I'll return after the dinner." He squeezed her shoulder and moved to kiss her on the forehead, but she instinctively pulled away and turned from him. "Rest. There will always be someone else."

"I don't want someone else," Briar seethed, causing her dad to pause in his place behind her. Then, he left the room.

Briar watched their wedding from a distance. Dark red carnations surrounded them, and even decorated the design of her gown. Queen Lena Everelle. She isn't even that pretty, Briar thought in disgust. In actuality, she was gorgeous. Her turned up eyes and strong features. Her slick black hair was pinned up, adorned with a crown. With a single kiss, she became the new Queen of Eden. Lyra officiated them, but she looked less excited than most others at the wedding. Looking up, she caught the eyes of Briar.

Briar hid away in her room for the rest of the night, her heart breaking over the loss of her love. It had come on fast, but now it felt slow, causing her body to ache at just the thought of either of them.

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