3 - Three Points Short

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"You ladies care to explain to me what's going on?" Quite frankly I didnt know what was going on. The dean is questioning us and all I can say is, I'm not letting my best friend get jumped. I walked into the school and had to react off of impulse, I didnt have time to question the situation and I honestly didnt care to.

"The bitch is crazy! She attacked me for nothing!" Chelise was still heated and I dont blame her.

"I'm not crazy." The girl simply stated. She was so nonchalant and it was bothering me. I'm not too upset because the knot forming on her forehead and the cut on her eyebrow and lip gave me satisfaction.

"Why were you three girls fighting one person?" I was never too fond of the whole jumping wave. I feel like if you can't handle your own battles, you shouldn't get involved in anything.

"I didnt tell them to jump in, they just did." She sat here careless and she shrugged as she spoke, her two little minions weren't saying anything and this was getting aggitating.

"Can I just get my ten days and go home, because obviously this conversation is going no where." I was fed up, this whole thing was stupid and everyone is clueless as to why the fight happened in the first place. I got out of the chair about to leave the office but I was stopped in the process.

"Miss Watkins you are still a part of the altercation and no one can leave until we get to the bottom of it, I'd rather fix it here than to have arrests be made." I sat back down in the chair and rolled my eyes.

"Something you'd like to say?" I questioned and cocked my head to the side. One of the girls had mumbled under her breath, and I wanted to know what the problem was. She looked over at me and didnt say anything, but instead rolled her eyes. "Thats exactly what I thought." and with that I leaned back in my chair.

I walked to the exit of the school, waiting on Eric to pick me up. While I was waiting, Marcus came out and handed me my book bag. I hadn't even realized I didn't have it until now. He looked at me as if he wanted to say something but I guess he decided against it.

"Call me later." he said before he walked away. I watched the main door shut and then I heard a horn. I looked forward and got into the car, I couldn't even put on my seatbelt before questions got rained on me.

"Why Erin? I thought you left fighting alone." I explained to him what happened so that I wouldn't look like the aggressor. By the time I finished telling him what happened we had made it to the house. Once I got in my room I facetimed Chelise to see if she had made it home.


"How you feeling?"

"You know I'm always straight."

"You gonna tell me what happened, or are you going to leave me in the dark?"

"Well first of all, me and Keith are getting kind of serious.."

"When were you going to tell me that?" I almost yelled into the phone.

"I didnt wanna tell you until I knew we were going to actually progress."

"Yeah whatever, continue."

"Well we were all chilling this morning, I was hugged up with Keith and the other dumbasses were sitting around talking. Keith leaned down to kiss me and after our lips touched I felt myself get snatched and it went from there." When she said that something in the back of my mind clicked. I remembered what Marcus told me while we were at the mall. Keith's old fling is mad crazy and bold to swing on someone she didn't know. I guess her posse realized Chelise was more than White Girl could handle, which is why they jumped in.

I face palmed and shook my head. "Hold on Lise I'll call you back." I hung up on her and almost facetimed Marcus, before realizing he was still at school. I decided to text him instead.

"As soon as you get home, call me or facetime me !! 😤" I plugged my phone up and walked to the bathroom. After getting out of the shower, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. When I finished, I made my way to my room and I got back in my bed, I checked my phone to see that Marcus had replied.

"👀😨😓😪 yes ma'am" I laughed at his reply because he already knew what I was going to say.

I woke up around three in the afternoon trying to remember when I fell asleep. I looked at my phone to see several missed calls from everyone from school. I got up and looked out of the front window to see that Eric had left and that I was home alone. I went into the kitchen and fixed myself a bowl of captain crunch and went back to my room. I was sitting on my beanbag chair watching Smart Guy when my phone began flashing and ringing. I looked over and seen "Marc 😶" across my screen. I pressed the green symbol allowing his face to appear on my screen.

"Bout time." I said watching myself chew in the top corner. He laughed at my eating habits and just stared. "Nigga you know why I told you to call me, get to talking."

"My phone is about to die, text me your address." I hung up on him and just sent him my location. I drank the milk from my cereal bowl and went to the kitchen to start the dishwasher. I went back upstairs to play Madden and as soon as the game loaded, the doorbell rang. I answered the door after looking through the peephole to confirm that it was Marcus. I texted my brother telling him I had company so that he wouldn't flip when he got home. We sat on my bean bag chairs and he picked up the controller.

"Oh uh un, you got some explaining to do."

"What do I have to explain?" He knew exactly why he was over here.

"Tell me what happened this morning, and why didnt you help her?"

"I wanted to but it happened so quick, I was too in shock." He tried to cover his ass.

"No Marcus you could've stopped it before it got too far, and why the fuck didnt Keith help either?" I was getting upset the more I thought about it. They could've easily broken it up but they just watched it instead.

"Erin, I couldn't react quick enough. I'm sorry and I already told Chelise I was sorry."

"What you need to tell her is why she got attacked, she's completely clueless and its not my place to tell her."

"Its not my place either, thats between her and Keith." He put his hands up in defense.

"And that's your homebody so tell him to tell her. And if he doesnt tell her, I'm going to beat yo ass." I was serious as a heart attack right about now. He went to smiling after I had calmed down. "What?" I yelled.

"You're so cute when you're mad."

"I bet. It's not gone be cute when your homeboys carrying your casket. Now find your way out of my house." I hate to be rude but I've said all I needed to say and he didnt have any more business over here.

I finished my game of Madden and started taking selfies. I posted one on Instagram along with the caption "You can't lose when you're humble 👄" after closing all of my recent apps I tweeted my gamer tag because I was tired of killing the computer. After thinking to myself for a while I decided to cook dinner for my family. I left the spaghetti on a low heat to keep it warm for everyone when they got home. I returned to my room to see a couple of friend request on the PlayStation network. After looking through my retweets I confirmed their request because they were people I followed. As soon as I accepted UpstateKing's request I got a game invite. I put my headset on and chose my favorite team, the New York Giants. Whoever I was playing was decent, and was able to keep their score up with mine. After a bit of trash talk, they beat me by a field goal and got offline. I went downstairs to greet my returning family who had all made it home. I didnt realize how late it was until everyone was almost done eating. I didn't know I had been locked in my room for so long. After explaing everything to my parents and saying my goodnights I jumped into my bed and grapped my phone.

"good game 😉"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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