1 - Fool Who?

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"Erin" I heard as I was gently shaken awake.

"What" I managed to croak out, being that my mouth was dry due to the amazing sleep I had just been interrupted from.

"Why aren't you up? You're going to be late for school." My eyelids pulled themselves apart as I rolled over to look at my bedside clock. My eyes bulged at the time.

"6:43?! Eric are you serious, why didn't you wake me up sooner" My brother just stared at me blankly as I began to rant about how inconsiderate he was for making have to rush. I ran out of my room and down the hall to the restroom my brother and I shared. I grabbed my electric toothbrush out of the cup holder and vigorously brushed my teeth. After flossing and rinsing with mouth wash I reached for my face towel. I squinted my eyes once I grabbed a bare towel rack. "Eric where is my washcloth?" I aggravatedly shouted down the hall.

"Oh, that was yours? My bad I washed my ass with it last night." I growled to myself and stomped towards the linen closet. I grabbed a baby blue towel and proceeded to wash my face. After doing so I jogged back into my room to get dressed. I threw on a pair of black ripped jeans, a plain blue halter top, and my concord 11s. After adjusting myself to my liking I stood in the mirror and gently took my bonnet off, exposing my 20,22, and 24 inch straight Brazilian bundles. I brushed my hair, allowing it to flow down my back. I grabbed my elite Nike book bag and headed towards the living room.

"Eric, I'm ready." I yelled waiting for him to take me to school.

"Ready for what?" He asked with a big grin on his face.

"Nigga what the hell is so funny, can you stop being annoying and take me to school, I'm already late and-" I was cut off in the middle of my rant by Eric's obnoxious laugh. I looked at him puzzled trying to figure when I became Dave Chapel and told a joke.

He was laughing so hard he could barely get his sentence out. "My nigga you bout stupid as hell, its Saturday." I narrowed my eyes at him and checked the date on my phone and in deed, it was Saturday, April 1st.

"Really? I think it's time you gave up being childish, you're 22 and still doing April fools jokes." I was now annoyed because I could've been sleeping but instead my brother wants to be an asshole and harass me. I'm awake and in a full outfit, I refuse to let this go to waste. "Since you did all of this, you might as well take me to Chelise's house."

"I don't mind, let me go get my slides." I watched as he skipped down the hall and into his room. I followed suit and went into my room to drop my book bag and instead grab my shoulder bag, in case me and Chelise did anything later. I shot her a text letting her know I'd be on the way to her house. She didn't ask any questions and replied with a simple "Okay? 🤔".

When my brothers 2011 Chrysler neared her address I called her, and told her to have the door open when I got there. I got out of the car and waltzed towards her front door. Chelise's older sister Chelsie opened the door and plopped back down on the living room couch as I walked in.

"Hey Chels, where's Lise?"

"Upstairs, why are you here so early?" She was confused as to why I'm over at 7:51 in the morning.

"Eric pranked me, making me think I had school, and instead of getting back in bed I decided to come here." Chelsie rolled her eyes at me mentioning my brothers name, they once had a little fling but to no avail Eric was messing around with other girls. I chuckled at her animosity towards him and marched up the stairs and towards Chelise's room. On my way there I felt a bump against my leg, I looked down to see Chelise's little brother Corey. "Wassup lil dude?" I said as I rubbed his head. He was too focused on his gameboy which was probably the reason why he bumped into me in the first place. I ran and jumped on Chelise's bed so that she could acknowledge my presence, but instead she remained sleep as if she hadn't just texted me a while ago. I kicked my shoes off and laid on her side of the bed and eventually drifted off to sleep.

"Girl, get up, lets go to the mall." Chelise yelled into my ear. I rubbed my eyes and realized I went to sleep without atleast wrapping my hair.

"You got a brush?" I tried to make myself look presentable with my hands, failing. She handed me her paddle brush and we both stood in her huge mirror, as I was brushing my hair I observed her outfit. She had on light colored jeans a black and red loose crop top and some all red high top vans. I stuffed my foot in my size four Jordan's and headed towards Chelise's car. My best friend getting a car was one of the best things that could've ever happened, now we can go wherever whenever without a hassle. Chelise's parents make more than mine, so she's a bit more priveledged. While both her and her sister have cars, only my brother has a car. My family isn't poor at all, but they make just enough to get the small things I ask for.

After laughing and watching Lise struggle to park, I unbuckled my seatbelt and stepped out of the car. As we walked through doors I looked at my vibrating phone. "look behind you 👀😂" I furrowed my eyebrows and turned around to see Marcus and the rest of his crew walking behind us. I shook my head and bumped Chelise and pointed behind us. She always had a thing for Marcus' homeboy Keith, I didnt see what was so attractive about him but as long as he got her smiling I'm not tripping. We made it down to the food court and sat at a table and the boys pulled another table towards ours and bringing 4 chairs along. I decided to get up and get something to eat after conversing amongst our 6 person table. I walked towards Chick Fil A and felt someone on my heels. I turned around only to see Marcus following behind me.

"What boy?" I asked looking back towards the menu.

"When you gone stop playing?" Those were the famous words of a nigga who just wanted to ruin the life of a headstrong female.

This book takes place in the year of 2012, it is NOT present time lol so dont think it is. Erin and Chelise are in the 11th grade at Frederick Douglass High School in Atlanta Georgia. They met when Erin moved in 2002. They are best friends, they do treat each others families as their own. That's enough rambling for now.

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