Chapter 7

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Going into town to buy supplies would seem like a fairly normal task for most people, but to Ella it was nothing but stressful. She was going to be out in the open where anyone could see her (and maybe grab her again), plus she was going to be alone with just Wolf and Hunter, quite possibly the two deadliest men she had ever met.

The twins radiated power and control, moving with lethal grace and silent steps. She likened them to giant cats, prowling through the world, quiet and watchful, waiting for the moment to strike and take out an enemy. Both of them in complete synchronisation, one an extension of the other; they were a dark, deadly force that she didn't think anyone could overpower.

They were overwhelming and she wasn't ashamed to admit that they scared her; their size alone was enough to send most people running – wide shoulders, narrow hips and enough heavy muscle that they could bench-press a Honda. It wasn't just their physical form that intimidated her though, both of them wore their alpha dominance like a cloak around their shoulders.

When Hunter had stepped in front of her in the kitchen and they had locked eyes as he reassured her that she would be safe with them in town, she hadn't been able to look away. The world around them had faded into nothingness and she was held captive by his will alone, unable to move until he released her from his stare.

Wolf had had the same effect on her when she'd woken from her nightmare the evening before. He'd given her a command and she'd followed it without even thinking, telling her to breathe, demanding that she look at him. Her body had followed before her mind even realised what he'd said, and when he'd praised her she'd felt a warmth in her chest.

It was the strangest thing considering all she'd been through, but their dominance was almost a balm to her bruised psyche. They took control without even thinking, naturally assuming command, and for just a moment she forgot to be afraid and simply relaxed in the safety that their confidence and dominance provided.

Shaking herself from her thoughts, Ella followed as Wolf and Hunter led her out to the enormous garage that was located next to the house. She'd had a quick shower and the guys had loaned her some more clothes and a couple of pairs of thick socks to cushion her feet until they could buy her some shoes. The sleeves of the sweater and the waist of the track pants she was wearing were both rolled up a number of times so that her hands and feet were free, and yet again she wasn't wearing any underwear. Ella felt a little naughty without a bra or panties but it wasn't like the guys had some lying around for her to borrow, or if they did she was positive that she'd rather go commando.

Walking through the side door of the garage behind Hunter, she came to an abrupt halt as her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting and she took in the sea of vehicles before her. There was a veritable fleet of cars before her; from huge SUVs and trucks, to gleaming low-slung sports cars. Along the back wall she could also see a number motorcycles, ranging from sleek road bikes to rough dirt bikes to heavy choppers with the Harley Davidson logo on the sides. There had to be at least half a million dollars' worth of machinery in the bikes alone. Just what exactly did these guys do that they earned the kind of cash to pay for all this?

"Ella, you ready?" asked Hunter, looking at her from beside one of the dark SUVs at the front of the garage.

She nodded and scurried over to the car. Hunter held open the back door for her as she scrambled inside. Waiting a moment for her to find her seatbelt and buckle up, Hunter closed the door before climbing into the driver's seat. Wolf had his phone out, the screen lit up from his seat in the front. He pressed a button and the garage door in front of them started to roll upwards with a rumble. Hunter gunned the engine and they rolled out of the garage, down the driveway and through the huge automatic gates that lead out onto the road.

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