Chapter Two- Forts and Doritos

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Chapter Two- Forts And Doritos

Tatum and I walked out of our classroom to the cafeteria to see our friends. He was talking animatedly about the time him and Josh egged a girl's car because she broke up with Josh over a heartless text after two years of dating.

"Her mom walked out and just rolled her eyes! She didn't call the cops or even tell the girl!" He finished the story. I laughed imagining the scene in my head. I wished I had known them at that time.

"That reminds me of a book, The Fault In Our Stars. Have you ever read it?" I asked him.

"Pfft! That's a girly book! Why would I read it?" He looked nervous.

"I never said anything about the plot, how do you know it's feminine?" I raised a brow.

"What?! I uh.. I could've uh swore I heard you talking about it," He scratched the back of his neck. I loved when boys did that!

I smirked at him. "Well anyway, in the book A guy's best friend goes blind, and then the blind guy's girlfriend breaks up with him. His best friend takes him to the ex-girlfriend's house and they egg her car. Her mom comes out and the best friend says something like 'There is a blind man egging your daughter's car. I suggest you go inside.' and she does!" I laughed, thinking back to the book.

"I love that part!" His face morphed from a nervous one, to one that looked happy and care free.

"Hold on, I thought you said you'd never read the book?" I questioned.

"You caught me," he stuck his tongue out. "I love that book. Just don't tell anyone. It's like my biggest secret."

The fact that I liked him came surging up to the front of my mind. Pushing all thoughts aside. He trusted me with his biggest secret. It was a lot to handle. Even though he was just kidding. It was still a secret. I hadn't realized that I was stopped in the middle of the hallway with my mouth open and my eyes wide.

"You okay, Bell?" He waved a hand in front of my face.

I blushed as soon as I regained a small amount of composure. "Yeah, I just spaced out I guess."

There they were. The doors to the cafeteria. The doors to everything social. The first walk back in there could make you or break you. I was ready. I held my chin up a little higher, and straightened my posture, putting a small confident smile on my face. Tatum fixed the collar of his plaid shirt and put on a lazy grin. All systems were a go.

We walked in side by side. I set my eyes on our usual table in the middle of the cafeteria where Josh, Evan, Kate, and Reina all sat. They caught sight of us and smiled. Over the last year I had become great friends with all of them, they were like family. All though none of them really knew why I got sent to Florensville. That was a secret I had only shared with Tatum. Not because I had a crush on him or anything... He was just so good looking, and nice, and funny, and confident, and he had this touch of bad boy that just reeled me in!

"Hey, guys," I smiled happily at them and took my usual seat beside Reina and Evan. Tatum sat directly across from me between Kate and Josh.

"Hey, you look cute today," Josh winked at me.

I blushed. He was always so nice. "Thanks," I laughed lightly. I had become used to Josh's pick up lines. "So, how was everyone's break?" I asked.

"Mine was so good! I got this really cute sweater from my mom, she knows me so well," Kate gushed.

I wished my mom had sent me something. Or at least called! Thanks mom! I hadn't had contact with my mother or father for over a year now. It tore me apart every night going to bed knowing another day had passed without a phone call. Had they really hated me that much? Was I that bad of a daughter? Shame filled my stomach as I tried to forget about my old life. I bit my lower lip and pulled back from the conversation to get myself back to the present.

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