Chapter Three- Christian The Bad Boy

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Chapter Three- Christian The Bad Boy

I was in my room laying on my bed still thinking about how dramatic I had been with Tatum. The fact that the whole situation was extremely embarrassing made me want to curl up into a ball and cry even more. I should apologize, I thought. Who was I supposed to hang out with at school? I had met all my friends through Tatum, meaning they were all his friends first. All of a sudden I remembered that Tatum liked Kate. The thought made my heart ache. Maybe it was time to move on. Josh liked me, maybe I could give him a chance, he was nice, funny, and attractive. Josh seemed to be the best option for me right now. I sniffed and wiped my nose, cuddling deeper into my blankets. Why was I letting a boy affect me like this? I didn't even date him.

I got up and went down the hall to my bathroom. My feet hit the cold tiles sending shivers up my spine. When I looked in the mirror I almost jumped. My eyes were red and glossy. The mess on my head in no way resembled healthy hair, it was tangled and matted. I grabbed my brush and got out all the tangles then put it up in a bun. My clothes weren't right for the pity party I was having- jeans and a nice sweater, I went to my room and grabbed my Spider-Man pjs once I changed into them I felt remarkably better. I allowed myself to think clearly without tears about what had happened.

After I ran out of Tatum's house I walked to mine with tears running down my face I hadn't even known why I was crying really. It could've been because Tatum was going to ask Kate out, or the fact that I hadn't talked to my parents in over a year. I just didn't know, today was supposed to be the best day in a while. I planned and planned, none of it paid off. I was left with a semi broken heart and no friends. I had walked in and found a note saying that my Aunt was going to be at the office late. I was grateful for her absence. I ran to my room and buried myself in tears and my comforter.

I knew I had to apologize. I had to suck up my pride and do it. I needed things to go back to the way they were before. First, I needed sleep. I burrowed into my bed and let the deep abyss of my mind take me.


I bit my lip until I tasted the beginnings of blood. Suck it up, I thought to myself. The doors to the cafeteria stood before me.

It was a new day and things were completely different from yesterday. When I smiled at Tatum while at our lockers before first period he simply shook his head as of to say 'Just stop.' The look made tears sting at my eyes. I had definitely gotten the hint, so I sat at the back of each classroom we had to share.

As I stood in front of the doors -no doubt looking stupid- my stomach lurched. I saw inside the huge, high ceilinged social jungle. Tatum was laughing, he couldn't be happier. This must've been what it was like when I hadn't been around.

Fine, if I wasn't affecting him, he wasn't going to affect me. I pushed open the doors and strode in suddenly feeling self conscious about my outfit. I wore a t-shirt that me and Tatum loved. It was black and said 'I'm a little drunk on you and high on summertime.' in red it was a song reference to Luke Bryan- a singer we both loved. Along with it I had worn out jeans and converse.

I walked to an empty table and suddenly all eyes were on me and the room started to buzz with speculation. People knew me as the girl that came in and made it with the popular crowd with no effort at all. They were jealous then, now most of them had smug looks on their faces. I knew what they were thinking and whispering about. 'Look at that b-word everything came so easily to her and now it's all gone!' Cue evil laugh. The thought gave me shivers.

I ate my lunch quietly looking over at Tatum a couple of times. Each time we locked eyes my breath caught in my throat. He looked at me like he had no idea who I was, like I was a pathetic stalker. Maybe I was. It almost brought tears to my eyes. I had just swallowed the ball in my throat when I saw something that me me nauseous. Tatum was flirting with Kate. Hard. He held her by his side and tickled her she squirmed but he steadied her by placing his hands on her waist. I was done. Obviously our friendship had meant nothing if that's all it took for him to forget about me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2014 ⏰

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