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The picture above is Callisto....

Chapter 1:

Callisto was sitting on the window sill looking at the men training. She waved at her brother Elias. He waved back with his sword in his hand. She closed her curtain and started drying her wet hair. She put on her blue crystal chain and opened her chest. There lay her mother's memories. The one who abandoned her when she was three years old.

She quickly closed the chest before she could cry. She put on her armor and grabbed her sword. Its time to practice. On the way down she met Thales, one of the finest swordsmen in the kingdom and her best friend. She accompanied him to the battle field and started their practice.

As both of them fought the whole kingdom stopped to look at them. It was as if they were floating in the air. The only sounds in the area were the noise of crickets and the clash of their swords. Sweat was dripping from Thales' forehead but he refused to give up.

He lost a lot of times to Calli .He does not intend to lose again. But little did he know that he was going to lose again. With an irritated cry Calli lunged onto Thales and disarmed him. She threw him to the ground and put her feet on his chest. Thales sighed and looked at her. Oh god there is nothing that can take away the victory smirk off her face.

Everyone started cheering for the princess. Even the trees and the birds seem to encourage her. She slowly removed her leg from his chest and helped him up. 'Undefeated,' she whispered in his ear. He just gave her a weak smile. 'That was nice Callisto but we need to talk', the king declared. Thales bowed to the king and left.

The king turned to his daughter and glared at her. 'Seriously Callisto, taking down the assassins on your own,' He screamed at her face. 'If I wouldn't have stepped up the people of our kingdom would have died. I am capable of taking care of myself father, you need not watch my every move', she screamed back. If the king was affected he did not show that.

He calmly stood in front of her. 'I am forgiving you this time young lady, but another stunt like this, I will take your beloved sword away from you. Do you understand'. 'But father, I was protecting-,' She interfered. 'I don't care what you were doing, I will not tolerate this kind of behavior. Do you understand,' He asked sternly. She just nodded her head.

The king went away from his daughter and was going towards his son. One problem sorted out, one more to go. He went towards Elias. He stood up and noticed his sister watching them intently. 'I think I asked you to take care of her, son,' the king asked. 'You did father, but you know how she gets. She just left without telling me,' Elias retorted.

'You are supposed to keep an eye on her for the very reason. She is stubborn, like her mother,' the king replied. Elias just nodded. Calli marched towards her father with anger in her eyes. 'I am not a small kid father, I am more than capable of taking care of myself,' she stated and marched towards her room. If you look closely you might even see the steam coming out of her ears. She was that angry.

She removed her armor and changed into a green gown. She loosely braided her hair and went towards the library. The guards were bowing to her along the way but she ignored them. All she needed right now was some time to cool off. She entered the library and immediately felt at peace. The large collection of books from all around the world stood around her.

She walked to the poetry section and started reading the poems written by scholars from around the world. The intricate words used in the poems soothed her mind. She slowly forgot her anger and was immersed in the poems. She suddenly heard people shouting and screaming. She ran to the balcony that overlooks the field. She saw Thales fighting a man.

Their fight was very intense and both of them had grim expressions. She made her way towards the fighting men. By the time Calli got there Thales had disarmed the man and was holding the sword by the man's neck. He seemed to be fuming with anger. 'What is wrong Thales? 'She asked. 'He was talking rubbish about you,' he replied with anger.

Calli chuckled and dismissed the man. He ran as if his pants were on fire. 'There are hundreds of people who talk about me Thales, I am pretty sure you cannot kill all of them,' She told with humor in her eyes. Thales huffed and glared at her,' I cannot stand anybody talking rubbish about you'. Calli just smiled at him.

'Do you want to accompany me to the library?' She asked. He shook his head no. 'I have some work in the stables and in the market. You can go and read your ridiculous poems alone,' He replied. 'Hey! My poems are not ridiculous Thales, they are beautiful, and 'She defended. Thales just smirked and left. She pouted and returned to the library.

She was reading a poem about a beautiful flower that had special powers. She loved the way the poet explained the structure of the flower. She suddenly remembered that she had a matter to discuss with her father. She made her way towards her father's chambers. He was nowhere to be seen. She was about to leave when something caught her attention.

A painting laying on the bed. It was different from any painting that Callisto has seen. It was on a piece of parchment and it was done with utmost care. And most importantly it was the painting of her beloved mother- veronica. Calli's eyes brimmed with tears. She picked up the painting and flipped it. There she saw – GONE BUT NEVER FORGOTTEN.


DUN ! DUN ! DUN! so what do you think about the first chapter..If you like this please vote & comment !!! 


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