Chapter 8

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I was woken up by my phone ringing. Groggily, I reached over and picked it up. "Hello?" I mumbled.

"Rise and shine Sky! I need you to  pick up the kids from school today, I have a doctors appointment and its really important! Thanks bye!" Eve's voice quickly spoke before hanging up. A questioning feel spread through me but then I remembered that today was one of Eve's checkups, since its already the beginning of June....I took a large gulp of breath as it felt as a tennis ball got stuck in my throat. I looked at the time on my phone before shooting up.

"Crap it's already two!" I raced up knowing I only have half an hour before I need to pick up Alyssa. I decided to skip my morning shower and breakfast, knowing I need to save that time for the thirty minute drive to the school.

I quickly Jumped out of my pj's and changed into some ripped jeans and a loose hoodie which I think is actually Jeremy's now that I think about it...

I grabbed my car keys and raced out of of the apartment room before bumping into a sturdy chest. I looked up and saw Jeremy staring curiously at me. "Whats the rush?"  He asked me.

"Alyssa... need to pick up from school... now." I panted out of breath. Jer frowned.

"But today is my day off. We were suppose to have alone time." He cringed acting like a child. I grabbed his arm and tugged him after me.

"Then come with me. when I drop them off at home we can go to the movies." I said racing to the car, I would be probably ten to twenty minutes late already.

"Fine." Jer grumbled, following me to the car.


The car ride to the school was silent, other than the small talk we had when we first sat in the car. "So why are you picking up the kids from school anyways? Last time I checked they were Eve's kids not yours." He joked. But that joke made my heart twist uncomfortably. 

he doesn't know  my brain told me. I know! but it doesn't seem right for him to joke around like that! 

"So what? I want to get to know them and this is the right way. You should try and get close to them as well, Every child needs a father." I said, my voice acting a bit hostile.

"Of course you can get to know them! and If they need a father Eve can always go get married." He sighed.

"Now that's not an easy thing to do is it? Marriage doesn't just come and go. It's a commitment." I snapped. Crap, I look towards him. Jer had heart broke written all over his face. "Jer I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"No no, your right. It was a commitment I broke. I guess the least I can do is stay close to my kids." He murmured. I nodded, awkward tension filling the car. 

Soon enough we came to The high school parking lot, I noticed at the school building, Alyssa was standing their with the same guy I saw her with the couple times before when I came to pick her up. they were on the opposite side of the parking lot. I Looked around for a parking spot before Jer's booming yell makes me jump and slam on the breaks. 

Jeremy jumps out of the car and races towards Alyssa's direction, that's when I noticed that The guy Alyssa was with started throwing punches at her. "You little shit! get away from my daughter!" Jeremy yells, I can hear him clearly although he was already half way through the parking lot. I drove the car towards that spot.

I saw that the guy was now running away from Jeremy, and Alyssa was Cradling herself and crying still by the school. I stopped the car and hopped out before making my way towards Alyssa.

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