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it seems as if after Eve passed away, my life was on fast forward. Everything went by too fast. I don't even remember Eve's funeral. Unless I re watch the tape. But I would rather not. Then five years and three months later, My it's my girl's big day.

Alyssa was getting married.

When it was her Senior year, she got a boyfriend. I was totally against it. I saw them have the look in their eyes when they saw each other, the same look Eve and I exchanged before. Sky though, supported them all the way. She loved watching 'young love sprout'. I loved to see that too. I just didn't like seeing my baby girl grow up.

So half a year of them dating, Baseball season started and Alyssa's boyfriend started having less time to spend with Alyssa due to his sport. Alyssa got upset, and me, trying to find any excuse to break them up, stepped forward and told her boyfriend that he can't see my baby any more.

It didn't last.

The night after I broke them up, Tim, Alyssa's boyfriend, came over and 'secretly' set up candles to spell 'forgive me' under her window. I saw him there, but didn't stop him. So after that they snuck around to see each other. Then I caught them in the movies when I took Sky out.

They told me they are getting serious.

So now they are getting married. My baby girl, ready to start her own family.

"Are you ready?" I asked her, She stood There in her wedding dress, looking just like her mom.

"Ready" She whispered, we linked arms and walked down the aisle. It took all my will power to not tug her back home and lock her there until she is fourty.

Wyatt, Abby, and Sky sat there in the front, tears brimmed Sky's eyes but they all smiled widley. I lifted Alyssa's veil and kissed her forehead. Before passing her off to Tim. I walked over to Sky.

"Remember when that was us?" She reminded me. I smiled. Three years ago we got married. It was suppose to be four years ago But with Eve gone, it didn't seem right. But now we are married, And We took in Wyatt, Abby, and Alyssa. Now Allyssa is moving on to her own Family. Grandkids. Grandpa. I like the sound of that.


We finally were at the reception. Abby was talking with some of her friends, She grew up to be a beautfun nine year old. And Wyatt being fifteen is a ladies man. I literally have to shoo the girls away from our house. Yeah I said it. our house. I moved out of my apartment and moved into the kids house and Jeremy's old house. And Jeremy moved out of his apartment as well. Now we live as one big happy family. Well, now it will be minus one.

I still can't get over Alyssa getting married. After Eve's death, The kids and I got really close. Especially me and Alyssa. It's hard to believe I never liked kids before.Now they are the most important thing to me.

I walked over to Alyssa, who was being congradulated by everyone. She saw me and smiled. "Hi mom!" She enthusiastically said. I smiled

"Hey! congratz hon." I replied before I was consumed by the groups of people.

Mom. She called me mom. She never did until now. Mom. mommy. Grandma. I like the sound of that.

It's hard to believe I had to battle for the trust of the kids. It was the battle of trust. Not only have I won their trust, But I won their hearts. Because they stole mine.



So now the battle of trust is finally over. Any final thoughts on it?

I know before I said I am going to start a triology but I am going to postpone that. First I am going to write a book called 'The Siren'. It is already posted so go look for that! It won't be like this book though. It is well, an action book. its really good :D

so go check that out and comment! (this book and that)

vote! (this book and that)

and follow! (me)

Thank you for reading!


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