The Aesthetic Twilight

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AQUAMARINE TUNIC IS NOT MY STYLE. But that's what I am wearing now. With this white and gray underclothes matched with a pale black boats and with curved golden lining on the edge of the shoes. Arcurry blasted a silver dust all over my hair and made it messy to make me looked like a real consult, a god, he said.

"That's what Cassastra was looking for. She does not like princes and warriors. She asked a bright fully grown bloomed flower and butterfly. Sprinkled with honey bees and raspberries around him. You exactly look like what she was praying for."

I turned myself in the mirror and never expected my appearance. I'm grand. Like a fresh-baked bread or a golden fine fish. I don't look like a doctor. I look like a ruler.

"Look at you, so dazzling. Girls will swoon over, the King will turn his gender down." He snapped.

I can't help but grin. If this is what I look, I probably leave North Asia.

"Hold thy outfit tight, you boy, I'll make you up some tea for a while. I know a baker." He dodged towards the door to run outside. Why can't he just make himself vanish?

I turned myself to the hourglass on the table. It doesn't stop pouring no matter what I do. Time is ticking. I can't stand this sitting around and doing nothing.

I stand upright. I went outside.
I can smell the tress that bear diamonds outside the grimlin's village. It's what this place is called.
The sand here is made of titanium dust. The gates are covered with thick metals and every end of them was a biting javeline. Luckily, the grimlins have a pond on which frogs that are gold coated skin leaped. Their water is so clean like a glass. You could really see your reflection bouncing back at you in the water. The last thing that keeps this dwelling place feel fantastic is the fireflies with rainbow tails. They reappeared in every direction you won't be able to predict. They looked as if dancing in symphonic melody.

"Tea party?" The new voice appeared. She was a very small girl with green hair and little wings. Like a cherubim.

"No." I said. She frowned and jolted away. I am worried about the reaction I made so I called her back. She turned to me and she spun faster then suddenly hold a purple cup.

"For you sir," she said. I take the cup and drink it. "For being so gentle." She laughed sarcastically.

The tea tasted really good.
I enjoyed myself tossing back and forth the cup with my companion when Arcurry appeared in my vission.

"Goodness what happened to your hair?" He was shocked.

I turned back to the water as I can see new shades of green growing on my hair. Damn it.

"What have you done?" I asked the winged girl.

"Sorry,pixie fault. 'Till next time!" She vanishes.

Arcurry cursed Ava's name and instructed me to go inside.

"Next time, don't take tea cups from those triftling wing flappers. They are the leading cause of insane troubles in this village." He said and reaching me his bread.

"Thanks." I said.

"Have I already ask your name?" Arcurry asks.

"Destin." I said. "Don't laugh."
He raised an eyebrow.

"That's an ugly name. This time, you will be called Krisforth, heir of the Griseilless Realm."
That's an uglier name.

"How will Cleansie know me if I switch with different names?"

"That's easy. Don't be so dramatic. We'll find that little niece of yours. But now as what I said, let's meet you with Cassastra. That's the girl what I like absolutely. She is kind, loving, honest and pretty. She doesn't live in the palace. She stays somewhere in the woods."

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