Chapter 9- Who?

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Well here please read this and you will find out about my fan-made character Haven the Wolf, it's actually quiet interesting..... enjoy


The silver wolf started to wake up.

"Guys, she's waking up!" Silver yelled.

"Shh! don't yell." Shadow snapped.

"Hey, take it easy Shadow, he's just worried, that's all."

"Thanks Sonic." Silver thanked.

The wolf opened her golden eyes and looked at the three hedgies,

"Ahh! Where am I? Who are you? What time is it?" She blurted out

"Hey, it's okay, you safe, I'm Silver and that is Sonic and Shadow." Silver explained.

"What is the time?" The wolf asked again.

"It's 1am, why?"

The silver wolf relaxed, "Okay good, what happened?"

"Hold on, first of all, whats your name?" Shadow asked, impatiently.

"Oh right, I'm Haven, Haven the Wolf."

"Well Haven, why where you at our friends house?" Sonic questioned.

"Um, I was...... I was at the wrong house." Haven told them.

"Your lying, I can see it in your eyes." Shadow pointed out.

"Look, I don't remember, okay?" Haven was getting restless," Now, what happened?"

"Well we where..... visiting some friends and we heard a crash come from the kitchen." Silver explained.

"And when we got there we found you passed out, covered in glass." Shadow continued.

"So, thanks to Silver, we brought you back with us to make sure you where okay." Sonic finished.

"Wow, I don't remember any of that." Haven looked surprised," Did I do any damage?"

"Well besides the window, all was okay." Sonic confirmed.

"Oh and thanks, for looking after me, no one does that after....."

"After what?" Silver asked.

"Nothing, but yeah, thanks again, but I really should be going." She stood up.

"Oh no, you are not going anywhere." Silver made her sit down," Not until we are sure you are okay, you could have had amnesia."

"And trust me, amnesia is not fun." Shadow said.

"But I can't stay here!"

"Do you have a family?" Sonic asked.

"No, my whole clan was wiped out, I'm the only one left."

"Wait is your clan called the Spirit Fighters?" Silver asked, wonder in his eyes.

"Yes, why?"

"Oh my god, I knew they wern't all wiped out!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well back in the day, the Spirit Fighters where great allies with the Freedom Fighters, until they somehow dissapeared, we thought they where extinct." Shadow explained

"But we're not extinct! I'm right here!" Haven yelled.

"Yes we can see that, but are there any others?" Sonic asked

Haven looked at the ground," No, I already told you I'm the only one left."

"So what happened? How was the clan wiped out? I heard they where really strong." Silver stared at Haven in awe.

"Yes they where, but we where out numbered, by vampires. I wasn't even there to see the fight, I was off hunting because I was hunter, but bye the time I got back, my family, friends, my whole clan was gone, all that was left was the little rabbit toy my younger sister always played with." Haven pulled out the toy she always kept with her, "I miss them so much."

Silver put his arm on Haven's shoulder, "Hey it's okay, did you say vampires?"

"Yeah, and when I got there, only one was left, he stared at me and it gave me the creeps, that's when everything went down-hill."

"What happened next?" Shadow asked.

"I don't want to talk about, don't want to remember."

Sonic put his hand on Haven's other shoulder, "Okay you don't have to tell us, but we would like it if you stayed with us, please?"

Haven looked into Sonic's pleading emerald green eyes," Okay, but I have a weird schedule, I like to sleep in the day and go aroud in the open at night."

"Well we are the same, so this won't be a problem." Silver smiled at the silver wolf. She smiled back.

Haven is hiding something, but what could it be? I'm sure you all can figure it out, but please the three hedgies just can't see it yet, wait till they find out..... and why is Silver being so nice? Muhahahahahaha it really is a mystery

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