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The first time I read a book, I hear the story. any time after that, I find the mistakes editors missed. I see the metaphors, more of the characters and sometimes, more of the author.

I think it could be the same when you look at people. At first glance you see their appearance; what color their eyes are, how big they smile, and so on. But when you really look, you find the little things. Sometimes they're sad, like scars, or maybe they stop smiling the moment they think no one is looking. But sometimes those little things are good. They fill you with hope, and you see all the potential of that one person you might not know.

Authors write to keep their thoughts together, organized, and to make their readers feel a certain way. Humans in general do whatever it takes to stay sane. They want their lives to be organized; they lie to make their family, friends, and all the people around them feel a certain way. We all smile through the tears and type the words "I'm fine" into a chat room. There was one time in particular when someone did that to me. They typed those two words into our chat log, and somehow, I knew they were lies.

Bradley EdesonWhere stories live. Discover now