I Am Her.

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I held out my hand in front of her throat and called her name. "Rose" I whispered. " Oh Rose..." I said a bit louder. I started to use a normal speaking voice. I haven't talked for a long time- besides to other demons, but that is sort of telepathic- "Rose." She opened her eyes and looked at me. Of course she couldn't see me but I needed to see her eyes, was the only way to enter her body (well the only way I could anyways. I wasn't that strong of a demon yet) I stared into them and I felt myself being dragged inside of her body- but she didn't come out without a fight. she screamed. it was so loud that our parents heard it, and trust me- they were the in like 10 seconds. It must be a parent thing, besides I don't think they were even sleeping.

Before they got to her room I managed to shove Rose to the back of her mind. She was panicking.

"What's wrong!?!" My mother asked. my dad was carrying a gun. I don't blame him. In the back of my head I can hear Rose yelling at me.

"It was just a bad dream," i lied "I'm sorry to scare you like that" I really wasn't. For some reason the scream of my sister sounded pleasant and my mom and dad's panic was a rush of excitement.

"Sweetie, was it about Carrie?" questioned my dad. "I know everyone is upset but you need sleep" you can't keep staying up all night" I tried to block Rose's voice out- and I did.

"Sorry, I will." my parents sat there forever. "Ummm.. I can't sleep with you staring at me, God! Can you leave?" That was something I, Carrie, would say. I need to watch how I, i mean Rose, would say stuff. Sweet little innocent Rose would have never asked them to leave. Or at least like that. Oh we'll her sister just got brutally murdered maybe they will forget about it.

"Of course" my mom says. and they head for the door.

"Goodnight" says my dad. they shut the door.

I try to sleep but my head has so many thoughts running around it. But this mortal body is exhausted. I listen for Rose. I learned how to just turn off and on her voice. She is still yelling. I imagine a big switch and I just pulled it down, all of a sudden I hear nothing but my own thoughts. then silence. I quickly fall into a deep sleep. wow, it's good to be alive (again).

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