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— smut.

When their hands touched, Seulgi felt a million things fly through her. Nostalgia. Misery. Ache.

If he were to pull her for a hug or something else, she'd be too weak to disengage. But she knew Jaebum wouldn't disrespect her relationship like that.

He was too kind.

Pity spread in her stomach, followed immediately by guilt.

What was she thinking.

Months had gone by without any sort of contact whatsoever, but she vividly remembered their last few days together.

She knew it then, too; those were some of the best days of her life.


"Where are you taking me?" Seulgi asked, ruining the eerie silence in the car.

Jaebum cocked his head to one side, mouth armoured with a boyish grin. "You'll see."

Shifting in her seat, Seulgi diverted her gaze back onto the road before them. There was something about his smile that just weakened her knees and made her stomach do intense flips.

After a few more minutes of driving, the car rolled into an empty parking lot. Thanks to the night sky, Seulgi didn't recognize where they were, but when she opened the door and heard blaring pop music, a lightbulb went off. She beamed, rushing out of the car as she stared in awe and bewilderment.

"It's not a VIP pass, but hope this will do," Jaebum said as he stood next to her, studying her face instead of the outdoor venue below their feet.

Thanks to the elevated ground, they were at a good spot to spy on the music festival for free. He found the area a few days ago, after Seulgi complained tickets were sold-out. He thought of finding a way to sneak in, but that could cause serious trouble for the both of them.

There was no way he'd do that to her.

"I love it!" Seulgi exclaimed with stars bright in her eyes. She faced him, eternally smiling. "Thank you!"

Jaebum mirrored her expression, causing her heart to pound irregularly in her chest. "You're welcome."

Chewing her lower lips as she tried to disregard what she was feeling, Seulgi turned back around to focus on the music. But her heartbeat wouldn't stop racing. It was insane. She was frightful he could hear it beyond the concert.

And to an extent, she was right.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern.

She shook her head, feigning an alright visage. "Nothing, nothing! I'm just really grateful."

Jaebum didn't buy it, but he didn't want to dampen the mood things by prying, either. So, he let it be.

Maybe, it was regarding Irene again.

He glanced over at Seulgi, chest wincing in congested ache. If it was Irene, he couldn't blame anyone but himself for feeling hurt; it was his fault he fell for a girl in love with someone else.

He got too careless.

Too foolish.

His punishment for wearing his heart on his sleeve.

But there were rewards, too. Seeing Seulgi happy was enough to numb the pain. Sometimes he forgot it was there in the first place. As long as she smiled, he was happy.

Sitting back on the hood of the car, Jaebum spent more time observing Seulgi's face light up then the performances below. That night was just an excuse to spend more time with her, anyway. Time was dwindling down. He felt it.

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