Chapter one: That's a First!

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The morning sun crept through the curtains, reaching my face, urging me up. I, however, did not want its company, covering my face with my blankets. The floorboards creeked outside of my door, and although I know I have to get up, I stay put as long as possible. "Blake, time to get up" my brother, Jack says charging in my room. I flipped him off, while urging myself up. Jack hurried down stairs, and shortly after I heard my mom calling "BLAKE LEE GET UP NOW!" I sighed, swinging my legs to the side of my bed. First day of hell (school) , great, I thought unenthusiastically. I stretched, thinking about what pep talk the teachers gathered together this year, in an attempt of getting the kids "excited" for the upcoming days. I stood in front my mirror, pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black baggy sweater that said "screw you and your opinion" on it, and a light blue baseball cap. As I brushed through my long brown hair with streaked black dye in it, I noticed something catch my eye near my window. I focused my sight toward the window, without turning. Something was moving behind me on my window sill, it looked like a mess of short black hair, and a... a hand reaching around the wall in my room. The hand and arm was so caked in mud, and what looked like blood that I couldn't see any color underneath it. It moves in a kind of way that seemed almost indescribable. The movements seemed like it repeated itself, even though it was supposed to be doing something different than what I saw. A blue essence of light smoke hovered around the outside of it. My brother rushed back in the room, yelling "better hurry, breakfast is gonna be done soon " I looked down at him, phased a little and said "yeah... sure I'll be down in a little bit" I looked back behind me, using the mirror, and noticed that "it" was gone.

Breakfast was more enthusiastic than only other breakfasts ever were. The talk of "new school opportunities" and how proud Mom was of my brother and I made me gag. The talk dragged on as I scarfed down my pancakes, orange juice, and the cookie. This breakfast was not a normal breakfast, a normal breakfast was a lousy bowl of cereal, and some milk, maybe a apple. And this most definitely was not a normal day. I pushed what happened to the back of my head, and replaced it with good grades, and bad days.
I went through most of the day dodging the goody too shoes kids that wanted to encourage me that "our fist year of high school is gonna be amazing..." bleh. I had strange head aches at random times in the day, like in a completely quiet room, or while reading. I tried ignoring them, but they pounded the side of my head like a wreaking ball. I moaned, blaming my weak self for this hurt.

I returned home from school, flopped on the couch, and attempted to turn in the TV, however it turned to static and flashed on and off, then after a while turned blue all together, and turned off. Huh I thought, must be a plugin issue, wth that I walked over to the back of the TV where the cords plugged in. I reached around and wrapped my hands around the cord, pulling it out of the outlet. As I did this a shock traveled up the cord, sending a vibrating string of pain up and down my body. The pain made its way up to my head, temporarily blinding me, the world went black, and I could hardly feel the ground as I swayed, and fell down onto it. My eyes fluttered open. The world spun for a while before focusing on the ground, I got up and it was dark out, the light were turned off, I must have been out for a while, I thought while gathering myself, and what had happened. Waking over to the light switch I tried it, only to be disappointed to finding it did absolutely nothing. "That's weird" I thought out loud. I flipped on the switch on and off, but to no good result. Grabbing my phone, I turned on the flashlight, looking for a few candles I could set out. I still needed to do my homework, Mrs. Slaz would be pissed if I didn't get my math turned in tomorrow. I trudged to the basement, which despite being a fully finished basement, it lacked character, and the dully colored wallpaper that pealed off made a, not necessarily scary, but rather ominous, environment. Cautiously I avoided all of the shit that my mom left lay all over. The stuff included an unused treadmill, a creepy painting that was a family heirloom that my mom couldn't seem to part with, and so much more. A mouse scuttled across my feet making me jump. "Damn it" I breathed under my breath, standing surrounded by boxes of stuff. I scanned it all with the provided light from my phone. "How the hell am I gonna find a candle in this?" I asked myself as I made my way over to the first box I could find. While digging through it I heard a whispering of what sounded like the old children's song about the Black Plague called "ring around the rosy" it was faint, and I thought that it was just my mind playing tricks on me. However, it got louder and louder until the sound of it deafened me, and curling into a ball with my hands over my ears, I hoped that it would stop soon. My ears rung and I screamed trying to get that horrid noise out of my ears. It's done I thought. All done. Slowly I uncurled myself out of my ball, and looked around. The room seemed so much smaller than it was before. Nothing made a sound. Everything was quiet, I wasn't even breathing. I gasped in and out until I stopped hyperventilating. Headlights shone through the basement window, I hurried up stairs, more than happy to leave the basement behind me, and forget what just happened.
Turns out the power turned on perfectly fine when my mom came home (go figure) and mom thought I was crazy because the power never went out. She also turned on the TV without any trouble, whatsoever. As mom and Jack relaxed on the couch I racked my brain for any possible explanations for the past days events, and came up with only that I was going crazy.

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