Chapter two: Nosebleeds and Passouts

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School started as it did everyday. Horrible. As always. School may as well have been the equivalent to Hell. I hated it. The teachers hate me. I hate them. And I could care less about my grades. My mom, however, thinks that a social life is less important that good grades. Hence me having only one good friend. His name is Chase. He's the only one that I could turn to if I need it, I never need help though, I keep things to myself. We know a lot of things about each other, and we are pretty close, but I can never fully trust him, I learned from that a while ago. I pushed the thoughts out of my head, and forced myself to get through the day. Lunch slowly but surely arrived. I sat down at the lunch table and started eating, joking around with Chase. The room started to spin, and my eyesight got hazy. The ground came into my view, and went black.

I woke in a hospital two days later. They said I passed out from exhaustion, but I knew that they were wrong. Something was wrong with my life, ever since the morning of the fist day of school when I saw the thing. My mom anxiously waited outside the door. She rushed in at the fist sight of my eyes fluttering open. Although I knew exactly what happened she went into detail of what made me pass out. I rolled my eyes at the thought of exhaustion doing this to me, as if! I distinctly remember it standing right in my view of sight as I fell down to the ground. It showed no expression, and just stood there. I also remembered the eery smile that crept over its face as I hit the ground. Things were getting weird. I was, for the first time in a long time, scared, for my life.
I distinctly remember seeing it, upon further examination, I found that it had horns that twisted out of its base of its skull, and stopped a few feet outward. The horns were not straight upright, not like the stereotypical demon images, but rather twisted sideways. I had figured that it was a demon. I didn't know, but that is what I started calling it, "my demon". I had been returned from the hospital, under strict directions, to stay away from any electronics. They said the fall gave me a concussion. Normally I would be glad for the few days that I would get off of school, by not this time. Something was gonna happen. Something always happens. I couldn't remember anything more about my demon, other than the horns and the menacing smile that glowed a dark red, and spread across its face. I spent the remainder of the day raking my brain for any other physical features of it. Much to my dismay, I was curious about this.... thing... and I somehow knew that would get me in trouble later. Unfortunately nothing else came to mind.
Ignoring the doctors orders, I got out of bed, and walked over to get my laptop. I opened google and searched up "demons" I got a lot of cliche results like Lucifer, scary movies like Satanic. I decided maybe that refining my search will work, with that I searched up "evil demonic presence" I got more clique Ouija bored things and such, as I was searching a thought popped into my mind. I warned myself "it's a bad idea!" But I ignored that, and rummaged through my room, finding a quarter, a piece of paper, and a pencil. With that, I drew the letters  A-N on the top, and N-Z on the bottom, "YES" in the top left corner, and "NO" in the top right corner. I wrote the numbers on the bottom 1-9 with a 0 after the nine. Underneath that wrote goodbye. It formed something that looked like a makeshift Ouija bored. Leaving behind all of my common sense, I put the quarter on the G letter, and circled it around it six times, like the website told me to do. Then awkwardly I asked "Is anyone there?" I waited for a second, and was about to give up when the quarter moved to yes. I freaked out because I thought that all this was a fake, but I swear to god that I did not move it. "Oh.... uhhhh.... ummm.... what is your name?" I asked reading what the website told me to do. The site also warned me not to remove my hand from the quarter, unless the spirit agreed to say Goodbye with me. The quarter moved to B then L, then slowly to A then to K then E. Blake. It spelled my name. I was a little scared now. But I kept playing. I asked " Is that really your name?" The quarter inches across the bored to NO. I was now just really confused! "Then what is your name then?" The quarter states in NO, signaling that either the spirt didn't want to say its name, didn't have one, or was not allowed to. "Okay.... then ummmm..... are you the one that has been stalking me?" The quarter stayed at NO. So the spirit I talked to, was not my demon. I was relived and confused at the same time. "So who are you then?" I questioned. The quarter moved to S then slowly it got to A, V, and lastly, E. it spelled out SAVE.... what did that mean. Suddenly the quarter moved to Goodbye. " okay, bye" I said and pulled it off. I laid down on the couch, thinking about what had just happened, my eyes hurting. I picked up the stuff, knowing my mom would question why I was playing with a Ouija bored, then I would get a lecture and blah blah blah! As I picked it up a drop of red liquid that looked a lot like blood dropped on the board. I struggled with figuring out where the stuff was coming from, before I realized it came from my own nose. I dropped the board, and rushed to the bathroom, holding my hand under my nose. By the time I got to the bathroom, my hand was drenched in the scarlet liquid. I pulled some toilet paper off of the roll, and pushed it against my nose. The wad of paper quickly went from white to a dark red, and I had to grab more. I repeated this over and over until something strange happened, the blood went from a crimson color, to a black, stringy color. It soaked the tissue, and ran down my arm, eventually dripping in the ground. I was not sure what to do, so I closed my eyes. Unidentifiable screaming filled my ears, and fire waved in front of my face. Smoke burned my eyes, and my lungs burned. My eyes shot open, my head throbbed, and my vision was fuzzy. I fell down to the ground and looked around, my hands were both soaked in the black liquid, and my nose continued to bleed, however it turned back to the normal color. I stumbled by the sink, and washes off my hands, they stained a light black color, making it look like I messed around with a bunch of black paint, and sharpies. Luckily the stuff on the floor cleaned off. I shakily walked out if the bathroom, trying to shake off what I had heard and seen, it almost seemed like Hell itself.
I climbed in my bed, and tried to sleep. I had just picked up the Ouija bored and thrown it in my closet. I tried to sleep, but the screams I could hear repeating in my brain, and when I closed my eyes I felt the fire by my face, and the smoke in my lungs. Eventually exhaustion got the best of me, and I slowly dreams engulfed me into another world.

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