«Chapter 1»

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5:38 AM;

I woke up breathing heavily and out of breath. The "vision" I saw last night wasn't real. I sighed out of relief. I mean, the part about the boiling water and my mom being sent to the hospital was real. Her fading away wasn't.

My head throbbed so I went to go get water and I ended up going back to sleep after drinking.

7:20 AM;

"Shouto. Shouto." Someone repeated my name. "What-....?" I yelled back groggily, my head still hurting as I turned in my futon.

"You dare talk back to your father, Shouto?"

Oh fuck... Why the hell did I not recognize his voice earlier?

I didn't him in my room so I quickly sat up, opened the door before my dad could and glared at him as he was in the hallway, leaning onto the tatami walls. "What do you want." I said coldly, trying to express as much hate towards him as possible.

"Didn't I tell you to never talk to your father that way?"

"Sure and when did I ever say I would approve of you being my dad?" That happened often. By that, I mean me and my dad fighting first thing in the morning.

Endeavor, my dad, sighed, clearly pissed off. "You wouldn't want to be late for your entrance exam to U.A. (Yuuei), would you? Its 7:28."

"Wh-what?! Why didn't my alarm ring?"

"Because I turned it off. If you're going to be a hero that is going to surpass All-Might, then you must be at least responsible enough to wake up every morning without anyone waking you up. Or using an alarm clock."

I ignored his words. I was way to busy trying to get everything in my bag and getting my clothes on.

I made a quick breakfast and ran out of the house. Oh wait... I can't run to UA. Dammit.... I really don't want to be driven there by my dad either.

Then I heard my dad's booming voice all the way from the front gate. My sister came running out to the gate. "Hey... Shouto.." She was out of breath. "Dad says that he has stuff to do and he said that I have to take you to school."

Yes! I'm glad that sis is taking me instead of my good-for-nothing dad!

I smiled at her. "Okay, why don't we start going?" My sister opened the car door and stepped inside to the drivers seat. I took a seat in the back.

"Well this year is getting off to a bad start..." I mumbled to myself. "What was that, Shouto?" My sis said to me as we neared UA. "Oh its nothing... Nothing at all...."

If you were expecting killing right away then no... I'm sorry but I like building up the story and then getting to the climax... Anyways, who should be the so-called Senpai (aka the person who breaks the chains that bound Shouto to his past, resulting in saving him)? I was thinking Izuku but well... We can't have Shouto killing his Senpai (in the picture that inspired me), so we have Katsuki and Momo. I figured these two might be the best choices but Katsuki would be hard to do without making him sound to OOC and Momo would be hard too because she doesn't really do much in the anime and manga so it would be hard for me to make a complete connection between the two....

Tell me who should be Shouto's Senpai in the comments (probably gonna get no comments but.... Eh..)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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