Hey everyone Ardoth_Reaprumm here. I'm just gonna cut to the chase, I know I haven't been updating any of my works very much and it's because I am really busy at my job and I always get home late and am just too tired to work on anything. So I am sorry for that. 😥 I hope to update soon! And also I need your help... My idea tanks are running low and I need some new ideas for the next update so throw me any ideas you have and a shout out for the ones that I choose. So don't hold back, I am all ears and ready for it! The ideas I have so far are another dark monster (Maybe Taron?), Qrow asks to hangout with Ōkami, Hope meets Shuzo at a coffee shop, visions of fire, hypnosis on Logan, a bet, unexpected power, Blue Thunder breaking, a new characters (male and female), a date with Ailane, amnesia, a kiss, and a change in the H.A.L.Ō's, and an unexpected return. What do you think? Possible good material for the next couple of chapters? Let me know in the comments! SO UNTIL THEN ARDOTH_REAPRUMM OUT!!