Chapter 6

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Dinner at the kwamis' cottage was wonderful. Plagg found a ruby and Tikki crafted it into a pair earrings. They sold it in the market and with the money they bought a chicken, milk, and some spices. Marinette roasted the chicken and seasoned it with the spices, for dessert she made blackberry pie with the fresh milk they bought. Adrien arrived at 6:00 and he hit off with the kwamis except Plagg.

"This pie is delicious Marinette." Tikki said. "Nice and sweet."

"Very good Princess." Adrien said. "Tell me how is it that you're able to do housework if you grew up in a castle?"

"Well after my father died my stepmother made me a servant and I learned how to cook, clean, and sew." Marinette answered.

"Plagg you haven't touched your pie." Wayzz asked.

"I'm don't have much of sweet tooth." He said.

"Tikki told me that you prefer cheese for dessert so I made some with the leftover milk." Marinette brought a plate with some cheese on it to the little cat kwami. "Here, it's all yours."

L"Oh boy! My favorite!" He opened his mouth wide to gobble down his little treat.

"Plagg! What manners you have, aren't you going to say thank you?" Duusu scolded.

"Yes the little lady went through a lot of trouble to make you this." Adrien said.

"Fine. Thank you." He ate the cheese.

"And thank you for your kind invitation to dinner Princess." Adrien said.

"You're welcome." She said.

"How about a little music?" Wayzz asked.

"Sure." Marinette answered.

The kwamis went into the other room where some instruments stood.

"Do you all have a piano?" Adrien asked.

"Yes, do you play?" Pollen asked.


He sat down started playing the piano. Some of the kwamis began to play instruments others danced. Marinette clapped and applauded the little performers. She also got up and joined in the dancing. Adrien was an incredible on the piano, his fingers seemed to have a magic touch on the keys.

"Not bad kid." Plagg said. "But step aside and watch the master."

He sat down and began playing wild and fun music that made the kwamis dance fast and excitedly. Adrien smiled and decided to let Plagg have the spotlight. He then noticed Marinette dancing and laughing with the Nooroo who was sitting on Wayzz's shoulders to reach her hands better.

"Mind if I cut in?" Adrien asked pulling Marinette into a dance. Marinette giggled as he spun her around and dipped her. Soon the kwamis got tired and decided to take break.

"Marinette can I talk to you about something, alone?"

"Well..." She looked at the kwamis. They gave her a look of approval. "Okay."

He led her into the other.

"Oh tonight was so fun Cat Noir. Thank you for coming."

"Marinette there's something I want to tell I have strong-"

"Wait! Before you continue I want you to know that I have strong feelings for you but I...I can't act on them."


"Well for one thing I don't know who you are and second I'm a danger to you. If the queen ever knew how I felt about you she would kill you. But I do care about you, you're the second person I've felt this way about."

"Who's the first?"

"Someone I can never be with. A prince, handsome and dashing. I was in the royal gardens by the well when out of nowhere he just appeared and he said such sweet things. Not sweeter than what you said but it was nice that a prince thought of me that way."

"I see and did this prince have a name?"

"Prince Adrien."

Adrien blushed at these words and then smiled.

"Marinette there's something I have to show you." She gasped as she watched him removed the black mask and tied on the blue cape he wore from earlier.

"You''re the prince?"

"Forgive me for deceiving you but I had to be in disguise in case you know who got suspicious."

"Oh my."

"Marinette from the moment I met you, the moment I saw you, I know cupid's arrow pierced my heart. Will you come with me and live in my kingdom?"

"I...I'm not...The queen she would-"

"You'll be safe in my kingdom. It's far from here, my father's men are as strong as any army, and I will protect you with my life."

"I would love to go with you but I can't just leave the kwamis they've been so kind to me and I love them so. They're like my family."

"They are welcome to come as well. I'll see to it that they are safe and cared for."

"I'll have to talk to them about it. May I please have sometime to think it over?"

"Of course. I have to go now but I'll be back tomorrow."

"Okay, until prince."

He then rode off on his horse back to the castle. After he left Marinette told the kwamis everything Adrien had said.

"That's wonderful Marinette." Tikki said.

"And so romantic." Pollen sighed. "Do I hear wedding bells?"

"I wouldn't go that far." Marinette said blushing.

"I don't if you should go with him." Plagg said.


"I just...Think it's a bad idea."

"Looks like somebody might miss you." Wayzz said.

"He likes you." Trixx teased.

"I do not!" Plagg snapped. "Go with Prince Charming! I don't care! Anyway loverboy left his sword here, I'm gonna go return it."

Plagg picked it up and flew away.

"Don't feel bad Marinette." Duusu said. "He really does care it's just that he has a hard time showing it. Before he met us Plagg lived in a village where the humans believe black cats were the cause of misfortune and destruction. They beat him, tortured him, and chased him away."

"Then Master Fu found him and gave him a home with us." Wayzz said.

"Despite what he says he does have a good heart." Tikki said.

"I believe that. You know I think I'll do something special for him tomorrow." Marinette said. "Does he like anything sweet?"

"Well he won't admit it but he loves fresh backed cookies." Tikki said. "I bought some for myself once and he snuck a few."

"Then I'll make some."


Meanwhile in the spell room queen Lila stood over a boiling cauldron preparing the poison.

"Let's see, belladonna." She tossed the plant inside the cauldron. "Henbane and aconite." She added them to her formula. "Crimson weed and last but not least white snake root."

She mixed them together to create a bubbling green liquid then she dipped an apple into the cauldron so the poison could seep in. Then it turned a bright, crimson red.

"Perfect. One bite with those plump little red lips and Marinette will be gone forever. But there maybe an antidote." She flipped through the spell book til she found the right page. "The victim of the sleeping death can be revived only by love's first kiss. Ha! No fear of that, everyone will think she's dead."

She then placed the apple in a basket of other apples and made her way further down into the castle.

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