Chapter 7

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When Adrien returned to his room in the castle that night he was ambushed by the guards.

"Prince Adrien you are sentenced to imprisonment for the murder of Princess Marinette." The captain said.

"That's not true!" Adrien said.

"Then why was this found in your chambers?" The guard opened the queen's box with the pig's heart inside.

"That's not Marinette's heart! She's alive!"

"Take him to the dudgeon."

The young man was then locked away in a jail cell with Kim and Nino.

"What happened?" Adrien asked.

"My lord forgive me." Nino begged. "They forced me to tell them where you were. I tried to resist but then they threatened Alya's life and I-"

"It's alright. If the life of an innocent was threatened then I understand. But why have we been imprisoned?"

"The queen found out I let Marinette live." Kim said. "So she framed me and you for her supposed death. We're all to be executed tomorrow evening."

"Well not all of you." A cackling voice said. The three men looked in horror as the old hag walked in.

"Witch!" Kim cried. "Stay back! I'm warning you! I have a cross!" He held up a little one. "Be gone servant of Satan!"

"Drop it Kim it's me!" She said.

"You're majesty?!" He gasped.

"That's the queen?" Nino said in disbelief. "Whoa! Someone got hit with the ugly stick."

"Relax this is only temporary I'll change back into my gorgeous self once my plan is finished."

"What plan?" Adrien asked.

"To do away with Marinette and you all shall die for aiding her but you dear prince. You need not suffer just promise to marry me and I'll let you live."

"Lady you're nuts!" Nino said.

"Well that's your opinion."

"Sorry your majesty." Adrien said. "But my heart belongs to Marinette."

"We'll see who your heart belongs to once she's dead!"

"No! Whatever you have planned for her! I beg you to inflict it on me!"

"How noble. But I'm afraid I can't let her live. Good night sweet prince." She said walking off into the darkness.

Outside Plagg was flying toward the castle with the sword. "That kid needs to learn not to leave his stuff." He flew up into Adrien's room. "Hey Prince Charming, I brought your sword back. Where are you?"

"That prince is as good as dead." He heard a guard say.

"Yeah the queen ordered his execution this evening. Too bad, he seemed like such a nice guy."

"It's a shame he had to die."

Then they continued down the hall.

"Oh the poor kid." Plagg said. "This is gonna break Marinette's heart." He sighed and made his way back to the cottage to deliver the sad news. He told the other kwamis first then reluctantly went to tell her.

"Plagg there you are." Marinette said when the black cat kwami returned.

"Look sweetie we gotta talk." Plagg sighed.

"About what?"

"Sit down." He said. "When I went to the castle I heard the guards talking and...Adrien...Okay there's no easy way to say this so I'm just come out and say it. Adrien is dead."

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