Atizaz Hasan

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A young hero who sacrificed his life life for saving 2000 students of his school and the entire staff. This story is unique but real. Atizaz Hasan is a great hero , a young martyr and a wonderful inspiration.

In January 2014 , Atizaz is said to have spotted a suspicious person near the gates of his school. The place where 2000 just like him came in thirst of knowledge.

His friend spotted a detonator on the person, played the role of a hero, did the best he could think of and ran inside the school to alert the authorities. But what Atizaz did has left many in awe, he stayed behind. Knowing the danger to his life , knowing the person was a suicide bomber he had the audacity to throw a stone at the bomber in an attempt to stop him. But unfortunately he missed and the person started walking faster.

Atizaz , the courageous 16 years old boy pushed away any thought of his own life aside while saving thousand others. Imagine his bravery. He had the nerve to run towards bomber and grab him. Imagining this gives me goosebumps. If it was any of us we would run for our lives. Atleast I would. But Atizaz kept on prompting the suicide bomber to detonate his explosive laden vest.

Saving his school , every other student and his best friend , Atizaz was severely burnt and painfully died at the hospital. He made his mother cry but saved the tears of two thousand mothers. He sacrificed his dreams so that the dreams of a thousand others can come true.

The 16 years old boy was hailed as a national hero and was awarded star of bravery by the government. He was also named Heralds person of the year. He wasn't alive to be honored but he was a boy who is alive even after his death !

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